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Why Doesn't my boyfriend want to have sex with me anymore?

By May 19, 2009 - 9:46am
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We've been dating for over a yer now but in the last few months our sex has drastically decreased at first started to go down from at least 1-2 times a day for at least 5 months and then it went down to 1-2 times a week and then to 1-2 times a month and now it's been a month and a half since we've had sex. I've read a few articles about this allready, but none seem to fit my problem exactly. I was worried for a while that it might be me that was the problem and but he told me it wasn't and i know he wouldn't lie to me. I've asked him about it but he says theres nothing wrong. I just don't know what to do anymore. He's only a year older than me and he's suppose to be in hes prime. Is there anything I can do? I Haven't pressured him or anything because I dont want him to do it just to shut me up. I want him to want to. and I'm just not satistied anymore and im not asking for everyday, at this point once or twice a week would be nice. A far as I know there's nothing he's stressed about at work or school, could it be a cobination of the 2? or something else going on that I don't know about? and please keep in mind that im am searching for help and advice and I don't want to hear find a new boyfriend. I love him and im not leaving him, even if it means were not going to have sex anymore. But it's frustration for the time being as I find it a tad odd that I want it more than he does. and I don't really want to talk to any of my friends abotu it because I live in a small town and this is personal and I don't need everyone talking about it. and the last thing I want him to feel is embarassed. I havn't told anyone of my friends but I'm in need of some advice. Any Ideas?

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Wow. it's a shame that so many girls are in the same boat i am.

I don't know what to feel and I don't know what to do. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and change. About two months ago we moved to another city and in together. At the end of june my nuvaring went missing (this is our preferred method of birth control.. my boyfriend is of the camp that believes condoms take all the feeling out of sex for him) so we had to wait until my period this month to put a new one in. He had made comments about having to use condoms during this month and for the first week or so- we did make attempts and were successful several times. He's been staying up later than me so he can watch porn and jack off before going to sleep. When I told him that this made me sad he got really defensive and angry at me for "not caring if condom sex didn't feel good to him" and "just wanting to get off." We ended up having a really good talk about our relationship after this... and kind of discovered that while i get our relationship intimacy from sex, he doesn't because in his past sex has always been such a casual thing... instead he feels like he gets the intimacy from the hanging out aspect of our relationship. I told him that he has to remember that while he's getting his intimacy- i'm not getting any. We both came out of the conversation feeling positive and I thought things would change. So I ended up putting in a new nuvaring a few days later... since he had used this as the main reason why we weren't having sex, I thought it would change. Nope. He still seems so completely okay with the two of us not having a sexual relationship. He still sits up and watches porn every night. if I try to tell him that it hurts me he's just going to get defensive and say that I'm pressuring and that I'm not okay with porn... I am okay with porn- i use it sometimes. I have told him that the only time I'm not okay with it is when it becomes more important than our own sex life. I'm dying inside right now because all the advice seems to point to the conclusion that we aren't going to work and I love him so much. I want him to want me. I used to think he did.

July 27, 2009 - 5:02pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Personally, I think the conversation you two had is very positive and is moving in the right direction. You are finding out things about each other's inner thoughts and clearing things up. I encourage you to do more of that, and keep a positive attitude and non-blaming. Be honest and sensitive at the same time.

July 29, 2009 - 7:57am
EmpowHER Guest

My boyfriend and i have been together for more than 2 years. he's foreign and works up to 85 hours a week. when he's not working, he's with me. we used to spend less time together, but as the relationship got more serious it became difficult to spend the little free time he had apart. (you can imagine how hard it is when he has one day off a week). so now we sleep together nearly every night. in the beginning it was very normal, passionate, frequent sex. now we have sex once or twice a week. here are the things which passed in between:

*about four months
*i had an episode of depression which was very difficult for us both to deal with, although it has passed and been smoothed over for the most part
*i went on the pill, and we stopped using condoms

he gets very upset if i don't orgasm, he gets down on himself.

at first when all of this happened i really panicked ( i am still pretty panicked). i would get upset, and show it. i even started crying and asked him if it was because he wasnt attracted to me. he told me i was more attractive than ever, that he had just been feeling kind of worried about some stuff lately. that it wasnt me. it seemed like a good talk, but in the days after that everything felt really awkward, and i felt really selfconscious trying to initiate sex. i started acting angry and bitter all the time, and stuff just felt bad between us. the sex wasn't picking up finally i decided i needed to take a different route, and decided to act like it was alright, and just express my love for him without expecting sex. he became so affectionate and sweet, since then we've been very good together. but still, we haven't had sex in a week or more. i will be honest and say that half the time this week it's probably just as much if not more me who doesn't want to. my self esteem is still not repaired, and i find it very hard to be turned on if i don't feel wanted. i also have a slight fear of him rejecting my advances. also, now when we have sex it is still very passionate and loving, though there is a very very slight tone of aggression on his part, andhis orgasms seem a little less intense than they used to be. i am terrified that our sex life will never be okay again. i love him so much, and i want to trust that what is going on is not just us becoming friends, but it is my worst fear. i know that if i could pick up my confidence again enough to make genuine advances on him, that combined witha supportive attitude might just be all that is needed to get out of this rut. but i don't know if i have that in me. and if i don't, then we will need to talk about it, which can be both an enlightening and damaging conversation i think, it's jsut such a delicate matter with men.

does anyone have a thought about what the reason could be behind this? what i should do? if we talk about it, what i should say or ask?

July 27, 2009 - 10:50am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hey, don't panic. Sorry easier said than done. But my suggestion to you is...what you feel when you panic is it's expected and any woman in your position will feel the same. So that alone will make your panic subside. When you feel the panicky feelings...step back...step away, and look at yourself as if you are outside of yourself, observing.
I know this is not an easy conversation to have with your partner, and I know your feelings of being cautious and reserved because of past seeming rejection on his part. Sometimes though we project our fears too much on the man, and we exagerrate his subtle reactions. Don't assume everything is negative. He doesn't know what's going on your head, eventhough he might feel something is bothering you. Of course I'm not saying he is really obtuse (well, yeah men can be obtuse sometimes) but he is not just on the same page as you. Let him know you feel a little rejection on his part and check in with him. Always check in with him. I'm learning this as well. I'm only telling you what is working with me...Maybe it's not all about you. In most cases it isn't. And if we blow up the situation, it will just have a snowball effect.
As far as him being a little agressive and lacking intensity, again I see this as your trying to analyze TOO much. : )
We all have moods, and it's unrealistic to have your lovemaking be 100% perfect each and every time! You are just going to set yourself up for dissappointment in that frame of mind. If I was in your position, and the lovemaking is great when you do have it even if it's not as frequent as you'd like, I'll be a happy camper. Trust me, I'll trade places with you anytime!
Just be okay with yourself, and start there, and I think things will improve between the two of you...Sometimes we just need to put our focus elsewhere and the problem itself, will alleviate, maybe even take care of itself.

July 29, 2009 - 7:54am

To all the women having problems with their men...I say unto you. Take a break.
I mean for example, today. Do something that makes you happy. Sure there are problems in your life that aren't solved, but just be. Even for just today. Forget about it. Take a hike, walk, go to church and hear an inspiring message, or go in nature and gets inspired by that. Think of the good things about yourself, what makes you special and what you are most proud about yourself. Remind yourself that you are a wondeful and lovable human being. I promise you if you take a break from this problem that occupies 101% of your thinking time, and your energy, you'll feel a lot better. I promise you if you walk away from your problem, it will be still there when you come back, so no worries that it will go away while you are taking a hike. ; )

July 26, 2009 - 10:26am

I'm in the same situation with my bfriend. He doesnt want to have sex. He would rather me do oral on him. He doesnt do it for me and hasnt since we met three years ago. I have to ask for sex. I can walk naked in front of him and he doesn't even look at me. When we do have sex it is for maybe three minutes. He satisfies himself and turns over and goes to sleep. He loves to cuddle but doesn't ask for sex. If i say anything about him finding someone else he goes from talking calmly to irrate. He says he is tired of me accusing him. I don't accuse him I just ask if he has found someone else. He has said that men his age lose their sex drive. He is 38. I've never seen a man yet that has lost it. He spends alot of time "working on his boat" even when i am not at work, he goes to work on it. I don't think he is cheating but sometimes i wonder if he would rather be alone then with me. As for porn he hasnt watched it since we have been together because i don't like porn. He told me today he misses it alot but since i don't like it he won't watch it. He threw them all away last year. He said once that it is visual with porn. I believe if you can't have sex with the person you're with without it then somthing is wrong with the relationship. I am 7 years older than him. Sometimes i wonder if he doesn't want to be with me and is afraid to tell me. He has told me three times to move in an arguement we've had in the past. I live with him, he won't let me decorate with my things. It is HIS house not mine. As for marriage he has said he isn't getting married agin knowing I want to someday. I don't know if I should just move out and go bck to my house or just ride it out. Things aren't getting any better sexually, we have fun together here at home but we dont go out in public at all together. I work evenings and he works days but when i am home we don't do anything out of the house. He always says i need to firm up my gut, I had four kids and the oldest is 18. I feel if he loves me he shouldnt worry about my gut. He in his past likes little woman. I am only 112 lbs and 5'3. What is wrong with me????

July 26, 2009 - 8:35am
(reply to sadnoh)

Thanks for sharing and sorry about your frustrations...the way is see it, nothing is wrong with you. 112 lbs at 5'3"? That's tiny! And you've had four kids? A little gut is totally acceptable after four kids! What his is problem? Maybe he's just not sensitive enough to say it tactly, maybe he wants you to firm up but by no means are you overweight based on the numbers you gave here! I wonder if he's so hot himself? He better look in the mirror. (Please excuse my cynicism and sarcasm) I am petite too, but do not have kids, and so I know what the numbers look like in a petite frame. I'm a lot shorter than you but my pounds don't go far from yours so I know that is not fat. For a woman who's had four kids, your weight is pretty amazing. As far, as men, sorry men if anyone of you are reading this, but my general consensus with them is most of them are sexually lazy. Not all, mind you, just most.

Men, please go online and look up RevolutionarySex to learn how to keep and please your women. Yes sex isn't all there is to a relationship, and it's not the most important thing in a relationship, but IT IS important to women (newsflash!). It's the glue that holds the relationship together, and it's a clue that things are going well in a relationship. When the sex isn't there, or are very little then we women feel something is off and we don't feel secure. Not to mention when you please us (and not just worried about pleasing yourself), then it shows that you love us and care about us. And the plus is when we are happy and satisfied, the more we will want to satisfy you! It’s a win-win situation.

Sadnoh, is money an object for you? If it isn't and if doesn't hurt too much to leave this man and, I'd say move out to get a place of your own. I think it is for your best interest. If the stakes are not that high...if what's he's providing you outweighs the sexual problem, then think hard. Otherwise, I'd say take a RISK. We do have options and we play it too safe sometimes. If I was in your position, I would love to decorate my own place and let it be my sanctuary. Life is too short to be not living your happiness...If things get better between the two of you after you move out and you have your own place, then you would have solved two problems. Or you may attract a new person who won't probably be as lazy as he is sexually. But I say, start with yourself and also begin to be more giving sexually too (not that I'm saying you are not already) but to actually enjoy it, and educate yourself sexually. Embrace your feminine sexuality, and learn to be a better lover, etc. When we are these ourselves we attract and inspire the same from our partner. Maybe they will change eventually when they see the change in you. I'm just telling you the things I am doing and working on myself also. This goes for the other women here also. And for the men, I say hit the books, go to Barnes and Nobles and buy a book on how to please us, or go online, instead of watching your porn, you should be looking for sites with educational how-to's about pleasing the special woman in your life. Flexing your brain will get you out of your rut. By the way Sadnoh, about your guy “working on his boat”…I don’t see anything wrong with that. Let him. It’s what floats his boat. The male species just operates that way…being productive relaxes them…so don’t hold this against him. That’s equivalent of women having chats over coffee with girlfriends. Maybe sometime, hang out with him while he’s “working on his boat”.

July 26, 2009 - 10:17am
EmpowHER Guest

I need advice..After reading some of these comments it just bring me to tears. I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 years now. We use to have a very exciting and sexual relationship. Im 27 and he is 32. We have discussed it many times and the reasons he says just blows my mind. I am a full time college student and he works full time. We are happy with what we have and we have the normal stresses in life. We also live together. Anyways, he said one time that I wasnt affectionate enough and another time that relationships are not all about sex. It has been over 4 months since the last time we had sex and before that I would be lucky to get it at least once a month or less. My mom and other friends of mine say its not normal. I work out 5 days a week and I get attention from other men and I can walk naked in front of him and he doesnt look at me sexually like a typical guy would. I love him and I know he loves me. I heard that he is planning on proposing to me next month..( a secret a relative told me) but I dont want to marry someone that isnt even intimate with me. What should I do. I have mentioned couples counseling a few times and maybe its the fear of if I do breakup with him what if that is the biggest mistake of my life. Everything else about him is perfect. Im torn and only becoming a bitter person because of all this. I know its not normal and people tell me it not normal. Is this normal? Please help!

July 24, 2009 - 6:00pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

First off, I feel for you. Your feelings of sadness and rage strikes a chord with me as I know it does with so many other women in our posiion are who are reading this. I think all of us women in this bind feel helpless because it's like our hands are tied! Well it is...It's a life of quiet desperation. Our guys loves us and tells us they love us and everything seem to be fine except for this oh this one little HUGE problem.
People tell you it's not normal, that's what they tell me also...pshaw!!! Don't believe them. What is normal anyway? I have a hunch this problem is much more prevalent. A lot of women are not talking about it because of shame. They feel embarrassed, think it's somehow their fault, etc. If us couples who are getting along fine with our partner, wife, fiances are having trouble in the bedroom, what more are the couples who are not getting along outside of the bedroom? Pshaw! It's not normal. Well maybe it isn't but it sure isn't rare either. This is tough to be in your position...I don't know. Maybe hold a discussion with him to let him know how important it is for you to have a sexual relationship especially if you are thinking of getting married eventually (of course without letting on you know about the proposal). I think it's important enough to discuss before marriage. It could be a deal breaker for you.

July 24, 2009 - 9:53pm

my story is similar to these girls. i am 26 and my boyfriend 30. we have been together for almost 2 years. we have had sex maybe once in the past 6 months. im frustrated and sad. i cry many nights because i feel unattractive. it has became very hard for me to initiate sex because i have been turned down so many times. i cant take the rejection. i tried to get him in the mood but i cant. he has even fell asleep while i was messaging he man hood. when i try to talk to him about it, it somehow becomes an arguement. he says he doesnt understand why i say the same things over and over. (like are you cheating, are you not attracted to me anymore,ect.). i dont see how he has time to cheat when he is always working or at home. but its still in the back of my mind. when i was pregnant he said it was my belly, that it wasnt sexy. that hurt so much. but he reassured me that things would change. well they havent. now he says he is exausted from work and cant get in the mood. well he stopped wanting to have sex way before the baby and the new job switch. i just wasnt ready to approach him about untill then. i know he pleasures him self. when i ask why he does it when he has a women willing a ready. he says its a stress relief and it doesnt take much work. by the way the very few times that we have been together im really the only one participating. he just says get on top and lays thier. i really just want the intimacy that goes along with it. he says we will when we havent talked about it. but im still waiting. how long do i have to wait. we just got in an arguement last night about it. i said he doesnt care about my feelings. he took it that i was saying he doesnt satify me.

July 24, 2009 - 11:49am
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