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Paula Shares Who Should Have Genetic Testing For Cancer Risks (VIDEO)

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Paula explains who should be genetically tested for ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer risks.

If you’re an Ashkenazi Jew with a family history--mother, grandmother, aunts, uncles it can be from either side of the family, doesn’t have to be maternal, can be fraternal also, that’s a red flag. But there are other people who don’t fall in that category who have a family history, and the testing is different for them. There’s more testing done in that respect.

For the first scenario that I have talked about, they do just the BRCA and a couple of other things, but for somebody who is an Ashkenazi Jew, they do more testing, and that’s where some of the problem comes in because that’s a lot more expensive. Now, our insurance company paid for our testing, but I don’t know that they all do, and that’s a consideration.

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