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Paula Shares Her Reaction To Her Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis (VIDEO)

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Paula Shares Her Reaction To Her Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis (VIDEO)
Paula Shares Her Reaction To Her Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis (VIDEO)
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Paula explains her reaction to the first time she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

I have to say that when I was first diagnosed, I didn’t want to know anything about it. I didn’t ask after I had my surgery what stage I was at. I just didn’t want to know anything. It was like, “Okay, I have the surgery. Now what? I am going to die. What’s the point?” That’s the point I was at at that time, and my daughters were very supportive. My friends were supportive. Sam was very supportive. I mean, we would sit and cry together, but I just was, wanted to bury my head in the sand. I didn’t ask any questions. “Okay, I have to come here for chemo.” I didn’t want to know anything about it. I have changed a lot since then.

But it’s denial, and I was definitely in denial; scared, you know. And people would say even, “Well, you know, you could walk out and get hit by a car and die.” You know, it’s like, “Don’t say that to me.” You know, the odds of that are less than with this diagnosis hanging over my head that I am going to die from this disease.

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