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Paula Shares How She Stays Positive While Fighting Ovarian Cancer (VIDEO)

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Paula Shares How She Stays Positive While Fighting Ovarian Cancer (VIDEO)
Paula Shares How She Stays Positive While Fighting Ovarian Cancer (VIDEO)
9 of 30 : Current video

Paula describes how she maintain a positive attitude while battling ovarian cancer.

I think some of it has to do with my daughter, is that, she was so brave going through this and really wasn’t complaining. I am saying, if she could do that like that, then what is my problem? And like I said before, I see all these women who come in to the doctor’s office with walkers and wheelchairs and most of the time, I am still on my own two feet. I think I am thankful for what I have right now and that I have to, my therapist keeps telling me, “You have to live one day at a time,” and I am beginning to get that message.

Even though sometimes I’ll say, “I just want this all to go away. I can’t deal with this anymore,” it’s--I had spent a week in the hospital, I was in the emergency room three times in three days, I had this nasty fungus in my mouth, and I just, every time I turn around something else. I had the diverticulitis, you know, but none of this is, none of this is going to make me die. I am not going to die from any of this stuff. I am going to deal with this eventually, and I just, I try. That’s the best I can say. You know, I try that, I am trying to adjust to everything, but again, it’s not that I won’t tell you that I just want all this stuff to go away. Well, that’s not going to. So, I just take it one day at a time, and that’s why we are planning these trips. This is why we get away from here for a while, and just have to do your everyday things when you are able to, and you are not always able to.

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