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Paula Shares How She Handles The Fear From Ovarian Cancer (VIDEO)

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Paula Shares How She Handles The Fear From Ovarian Cancer (VIDEO)
Paula Shares How She Handles The Fear From Ovarian Cancer (VIDEO)
28 of 30 : Current video

Paula explains how she dealt with the fear from ovarian cancer.

I go for counseling. I am not into support groups because I would sit there and cry all day listening to other people’s problems. I have enough of my own. Cope, cope is a four-letter word. I can’t even define it. People ask me, “How do you and Sam do this?” And I say, “What am I supposed to do? Sit in bed all day and look at the wall?” I can’t do that. I have two grandchildren who need me. I have four grandchildren actually, but my daughters too really need me, need us, and my son-in-law needs us to be there.

They were married, my daughter and son-in-law were married 17 years, and it was just a wonderful marriage, and he is just wonderful. He is a hands-on father. He just is so into his children, and that’s what’s keeping him going, and that’s what’s keeping me going. I have to be there for them, and I have to try and get on with my life. And we’ve been doing a lot of traveling since I was diagnosed, more than I think we would have done without my having ovarian cancer.

It’s hard. It’s a day-to-day thing, and this past two weeks was the anniversary of my daughter’s death so that’s been doubly hard.

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