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Paula Shares How Scary It Was Watching Her Daughter Battle Ovarian Cancer (VIDEO)

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Paula Shares How Scary It Was Watching Her Daughter Battle Ovarian Cancer (VIDEO)
Paula Shares How Scary It Was Watching Her Daughter Battle Ovarian Cancer ...
26 of 30 : Current video

Listen as Paula shares how frightening it was to watch her daughter lose her battle with ovarian cancer.

It was two years of torture. She relapsed after four months, and she had the original Taxol and Carboplatin. When she relapsed, they put her on the Gemzar/Cisplatin. She had any kind of reaction you could think of to these drugs. Nothing really helped. She had two trial drugs, she went through two trial drugs. Nothing helped.

She developed ascites that had to be drained from her abdomen. She developed lymphedema in her legs. She had pain all the time. They finally put in a pain pump in her abdominal cavity when she was in one of her hospitalizations. She just went through torture, and just watching that for two years and going with her, and one of the times she was having chemo, I was having chemo.

So Sam was going back and forth between the two of us because my other chemos were very debilitating. My first chemo I had been transfused three times because my red count dropped so low.

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