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Paula Shares If She Regrets Not Having The BRCA1 Test Sooner (VIDEO)

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Paula Shares If She Regrets Not Having The BRCA1 Test Sooner (VIDEO)
Paula Shares If She Regrets Not Having The BRCA1 Test Sooner (VIDEO)
7 of 30 : Current video

Paula explains if she regrets not having the BRCA1 genetic test at an earlier date so she would have known she was at an increased risk for ovarian cancer.

I feel so guilty about not having--and I know he doesn’t want to hear this--having had the genetic testing done years ago and maybe we could have avoided all this. But, I don’t want to dwell on that right now, but it’s hard. You know, I have three granddaughters that are going to have to be tested for this mutated gene when they are 18 or 20, and recently I had a conversation with my 16-year-old granddaughter, and she says, “Well, when I am 18 and I am going to be going to college. I want to have the testing done because I don’t want to go away and not know what’s going on,” and that’s exactly what she told me.

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