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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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(reply to Anonymous)

You are right: your spotting is most likely from the inconsistency of taking pills.

Some women have light spotting at the time of implantation; some women don't. Some women do not even notice it, because it is so slight, and this is not one of the most common signs of pregnancy...so I would not worry about this any longer!

What concerns me most is the way that you took your missed pills...do you have the information pamphlet that came with your pill pack? Be sure to read this thoroughly, and follow the instructions (I know, they can be confusing). It is important to take missed pills exactly as directed, and in your case, it would have been like this:
Tuesday..oops, missed pill
Wed..oops, missed pill
Thursday..take Thur pill and Tuesday's missed pill
Friday...take Fri pill and Wed's missed pill
Saturday..back to usual

Taking three pills in one day is a lot of hormones in your body at once, and can definitely cause some spotting. Also, abruptly stopping the hormones (by missing two in-a-row) can also cause some spotting. This is nothing to worry about, but also know that your period may be irregular this month.

When you had sex on Saturday, had you missed any pills previously? Missing pills after-the-fact is not really a concern for pregnancy, but make sure that you use a back-up method (condom) for the NEXT 7 days after missing pills, as the effectiveness rate of the pill (usually 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when used perfectly) has decreased until the hormones are back at normal levels in your body.

September 24, 2009 - 2:50pm
EmpowHER Guest

my girlfriend miss one pill of her _2_ week, and We had unprotected sex the day before Monday, the same day she forgot the pill Tuesday and the day after wendsday, but this day she took the pill and took them normaly for the rest of the time. she notice that she skipped a pill of her cicle 3 days later (thursday). In the begging of the 4th (friday) days we dicided that she should take a plan b one step that very same day just in case and we threw away this day the rest of the pack of pills. It has pass only 5 days since she took the plan b. but we are scare ass hell. she have been taking pills for more than a year now... brand of pill Otc

September 23, 2009 - 6:10pm
(reply to Anonymous)

It sounds like you both have done all you can do, and now is the waiting part. I know, it's easier said than done.

Basically, your girlfriend missed pills, had unprotected sex, and used Plan B. That is excellent back-up planning, and is the purpose of emergency contraception. If it helps, Plan B can reduce the risk of pregnancy by 89% if taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex. You can read more about Plan B here.

You will not know if your girlfriend is pregnant until she has a period or misses her period. And, with taking Plan B and missing her regular birth control, her period may be irregular this month and may be late..don't let this alarm you unnecessarily! She can take a home pregnancy test at the time of her expected period.

September 24, 2009 - 2:44pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Thanks for your time in answering but she had her period today in the morning...

September 24, 2009 - 5:58pm
EmpowHER Guest

The LAST 2 active pills of last month's pack, I totally forgot to take. My period started a little early because of it, and I never ended up taking those pills. Is that a BIG deal???? I didn't really think so, but I've been spotting a little yesterday, and the day before. Just being paranoid, I went on the internet to see if spotting is a sign of pregnancy, and it said, possisbly, but only if it's the week before your peroid. Well, it's the week before my peroid. AAAHHHH!!! So, I got freaked out a little bit. PLZ HELP!!

Spotting may be a sign of implantation bleeding (usually 2 weeks before a period), and this is spotting without any other explanation.

YOUR spotting has an explanation that makes much more sense: you missed your last two active pills, got your period early, and started spotting.

Which means: did you spot AFTER you had your period? If you had your period ("withdrawal bleeding"), and have not had sex after this time, then you would not have a chance of being pregnant.

Yes, I got my peroid last month, a few days early, after missing my last two active pills. I had a normal peroid. I've had sex since then. My peroid is suppose to start next Tuesday, and I started spotting yesterday, and the day before.

September 23, 2009 - 3:45pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have been on orthotricyclen for about 8 months. I'm a Sunday starter well I had forgot to get them filled and it was during labor day and the pharmacy was closed till that Tuesday. So I took sundays and mondays with tuesdays and it was the 1st week. Me and ma husband had protected sex the 1st week but the second week we did not. I have a baby girl that is 13 months so could u get pregnant quicker. For the past week I've had indigestion real bad and up and down wit the upset stomach. I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I'm still not feeling all that good. What do u think.


September 23, 2009 - 10:16am
(reply to Anonymous)


It is great that you doubled-up on your pills, but it doesn't sound like you did it according to the instructions, as you don't want to take more than 2 pills in one day (you take that day's pill as usual, then one of the previously missed pills):
Tuesday: take Tuesday's pill and Sunday's missed pill
Wednesday: take Wednesday's pill and Monday's missed pill
Thursday: back to usual

It is important to use back-up method of birth control (condom) for the first 7 days after you've missed pills. It's great that you and your hubby used a form of protection during the 1st week, but it is not clear how many days after your missed pills this was. Basically, the priority to keep yourself at the 99% rate of being "protected" against pregnancy is to take your pills consistently and correctly each time. When you accidentally miss a pill or two, double-up exactly as instructed by your pill pack, and use a condom for the next 7 days. If you are ever in doubt...use a condom!

Your pregnancy test would come back negative, as the earliest you would be able to detect a pregnancy is at the time of a missed period. Technically, it takes 10-14 days to actually become pregnant after unprotected sex (the egg needs to be released, sperm is waiting for the egg for 3-5 days, the egg is fertilized, the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tubes, and then implants into uterus...it's actually quite a process!). So, if your unprotected sex was just a few days ago, you would not technically be pregnant yet.

Also, I'm not sure about your question regarding having a 13 month old...are you asking if a prior pregnancy "causes" you to become pregnant quicker the next time? Or, if having a baby "prevents" you from getting pregnant as quick? The only time a baby can help prevent a subsequent pregnancy is within the first 6 months if you are breastfeeding on a regular basis (day and night), but this is not a guarantee.

You likely would not have any pregnancy symptoms yet (as, you are technically not pregnant yet, and your body is not releasing any pregnancy hormones). It would be interesting if you kept a diary of your first pregnancy, to read back at the symptoms you experienced, and at what week. Most women's first signs of pregnancy are a missed period, and I assume your period is not even expected for another few weeks?

Most likely, your symptoms are stress-related or an impending illness, as it is cold/flu season. Get lots of rest, wash your hands, and if your period is late than you can take a home pregnancy test at that time. Your chances of pregnancy are likely low, as you did take all of the hormones in your pills (and 3 pills in one day can make you feel ill; nauseous and headache...that is a lot of hormones all at once in your system!), and you also used protection for at least most of the required 7 days.

September 24, 2009 - 2:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hey, I've been taking Tricyclen Lo perfectly for over a year, and I'm a sunday starter. I accidentally started my recent pack on saturday(Aug 26th), taking the sunday pill a day early. I continued taking the pills a day early until tuesday(the day I would have taken the wednesday pill) when I realized my mistake. I skipped tuesday and took it on the wednesday to continue my pack normally from there. I had unprotected sex four days later, but my boyfriend always withdraws. I'm due for my period tomorrow and I'm getting cramps and the other signs I usually have, but is it possible that I'm pregnant?

September 22, 2009 - 6:49pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Never mind, I got my period! I learnt some pretty good bits of advice from some of the other responses here, thank you.

September 23, 2009 - 1:01pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Great! Thanks for updating us!

September 24, 2009 - 2:25pm
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Birth Control

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