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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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I am taking marvelon, i have been on the pill for over 8 years i never usually forget to take it but 5 days ago i missed 2 pills, so i took them the next day, but before i realise i had missed them i did have unprotected sex with my partner, can anyone give me some advise please i am getting married next july so the timing isnt great

September 22, 2009 - 7:37am
(reply to Anonymous)

The only advice we can provide is to wait until your next period, and you can take a home pregnancy test at that time.

In the future, if you ever miss 2 or more pills again, be sure to use a back-up method (condom). If you miss pills and do not use a condom, then you may choose to use emergency contraception (Plan B) as back up (in case your original back-up doesn't work, or is not used). Plan B can only be used up to 120 hours after unprotected intercourse (waiting 5 days is too late, unfortunately).

Do you know how to "double-up" on your pills, once you miss them? If you miss 2 pills, you can't take them both the next day...be sure to look at your instruction pamphlet with your pills, and let us know if you have any questions about how to double-up (it is confusing the first few times). Here is an example:

Monday: miss pill
Tuesday: miss pill
Wednesday: take Wed pill and Monday's missed pill
Thursday: take Thur pill and Tuesday's missed pill
Friday: take Fri pill as usual

How long until you are expecting your next period (or, rather "withdrawal bleeding" from your pills)? In other words...when do you take the inactive pills?

September 22, 2009 - 12:38pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

hi thanks for that, i have 11 days until my period, is the risk really high? i dont take any inactive pills i just take a ful pack and have a week off then start another pack

September 23, 2009 - 12:42am
EmpowHER Guest

My name is Laura. I'm very worried after reading these posts that I may be pregnant. I missed 4 active pills in a row at the start of a pack. I just read that the worst week to miss active pills is the first week, which is exactly what I just did.

I've been taking the birth control pill, Yaz for over a year (other brands for many years before). Last month, I purposely skipped my period for a beach vacation. When the active pills ran out I just started a new pack of Yaz. Everything was fine and I got my period last week at the end of that pack. However, I didn't realize that I needed to start a new pack on Friday (it is Monday night right now), since my start day schedule changed when I skipped my period.

So, I've just come to the realization today that I missed 4 active pills in a row at the start of a pack. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend while on my period Friday, Sat., and Sunday. Since Friday was more than 72 hours ago, I assume the morning after pill won't work anyway. I'm really worried that I might be pregnant!

September 21, 2009 - 7:04pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi--I wish I could offer some reassuring information, but the only way to know if you are pregnant is to wait until your next period (or "withdrawal bleeding") to take a home pregnancy test.

There is a chance of pregnancy any time you miss pills.

However, since today is Tuesday, and you also had sex Sunday, you may still choose to use emergency contraception (Plan B). Plan B will not affect a viable pregnancy (say, if you did conceive on Friday), but will help prevent a pregnancy from occurring from unprotected intercourse within the past 120 hours at the time you use it.

You can use Plan B One Step, as it is as effective as the two-dose Plan B. This is your only option now, and I would highly recommend using it.

Best of luck!

September 22, 2009 - 12:43pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Thank you so much for your quick response, Alison. I didn't realize that plan b was an option beyond the 72 hr. window. I went ahead and got it today. Crossing my fingers!
Thank you also for getting this information out there on this website. I really learned a lot when I was reading over it.

Thank you again for your advise!

September 22, 2009 - 1:59pm
EmpowHER Guest

The LAST 2 active pills of last month's pack, I totally forgot to take. My period started a little early because of it, and I never ended up taking those pills. Is that a BIG deal???? I didn't really think so, but I've been spotting a little yesterday, and the day before. Just being paranoid, I went on the internet to see if spotting is a sign of pregnancy, and it said, possisbly, but only if it's the week before your peroid. Well, it's the week before my peroid. AAAHHHH!!! So, I got freaked out a little bit. PLZ HELP!!

September 21, 2009 - 6:23pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Spotting may be a sign of implantation bleeding (usually 2 weeks before a period), and this is spotting without any other explanation.

YOUR spotting has an explanation that makes much more sense: you missed your last two active pills, got your period early, and started spotting.

Which means: did you spot AFTER you had your period? If you had your period ("withdrawal bleeding"), and have not had sex after this time, then you would not have a chance of being pregnant.

September 22, 2009 - 12:47pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Yes, I got my peroid last month, a few days early, after missing my last two active pills. I had a normal peroid. I've had sex since then. My peroid is suppose to start next Tuesday, and I started spotting yesterday, and the day before.

September 22, 2009 - 2:26pm
EmpowHER Guest

i have missed two pills in a row in week two and have had sex.could i be pregnant??

September 21, 2009 - 5:07pm
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Birth Control

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