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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon,

After you missed your pills, did you follow the instructions in your patient information packet? When you miss one pill, you are supposed to take two pills the next day. When you miss two pills, you are supposed to take two pills two days in a row. Did you do that? Is there still time for you to do that?

Week two is most likely when you are ovulating, so chances of becoming pregnant are higher if you miss two doses during that week. But if you can take the doses like I said above, you are still protected.

September 21, 2009 - 6:18pm
EmpowHER Guest

i'm on my last row which is the sugar pills and i'm on the forth day and still haven't gotten my period, i did have unprotected sex more than once during the week but i took the pills regularly, but i was off one day for the entire week because i did not double up one night (which wasn't the night i had sex). does that mean that i have skipped my period and may be pregnant? or do i still have hope?

September 21, 2009 - 9:22am
EmpowHER Guest

i missed a pill and i didn't double up because i didn't realize i missed it, i had unprotected sex the next night but took one pill after. does that make me still protected?

September 20, 2009 - 11:53pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon, and thank you for your question.

So are you still one pill behind? Or are you saying you took the extra pill after the unprotected sex?

It might be worth a call to the nurse at your doctor's office. Usually the advice is to take two pills as soon as you realize you've missed a dose. From what I'm reading, it seems like you missed a pill, then had sex, then took a pill -- does that mean that there WAS a 24-hour period in which you took two?

September 21, 2009 - 9:25am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I'm wondering if you could help me. I'm a Thursday starter. I started the pack on September 3rd (a Thursday). I went on vacation for the weekend and forgot pills on Friday the 11th and Saturday the 12th - so in my 2nd week. I took the 2 pills on Sunday morning, the 13th and then took Sunday's pill later that night. After that, on Friday the 18th (5 days after I had taken the sunday pills,) I had sex and my bf pulled out. I forgot that I had missed these pills, otherwise we would have used a condom. Since then, I have not missed any others. I am on Ocella and do not know if I should be worried about pregnancy?? I should be getting my period in about a week. Thank you so much!!

September 20, 2009 - 8:45pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi I started taking tri-sprintec birthcontrol about a month ago. and iam in week three but i missed a pill on tuesday and so i just started taking it the same way i always did the next day, but then i missed friday also. so what do i need to do.

September 20, 2009 - 4:32pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, thanks for your question! I just want to make sure that you have the patient information pamphlet (instruction sheet) that comes with your pill pack, so that you can have that as a reference. The instructions can be confusing, but still keep a copy!

If you miss a pill during Week 3 on a Tuesday, then what you need to do is:
Tuesday: oops! missed pill
Wednesday: take Wednesday's pill as scheduled, as well as Tuesday's missed pill
Thursday: resume taking one pill per day
Friday: oops! missed pill
Saturday: take Saturday's pill as scheduled, as well as Friday's missed pill
Sunday: resume taking one pill per day

* It is important any time you miss a pill that you use back-up protection (condom) for the next 7 days, as you are not fully protected (up to the 99%) from the pill during that time.

This is called "doubling-up" when taking two pills in one day, to "make up" for the previous missed pill(s). It is important to know: you don't have to take both pills at the same time, as it can cause nausea. You can take one pill with breakfast and one in the evening, for instance.

From my understanding of your question, you did not double-up on Wednesday or Saturday, is this correct? Since you are starting Week 4 either today (Sunday) or tomorrow (Monday), which is your "inactive pills", you can just throw away this current pill pack, and start the next pill pack on your regular/usual start-date (are you a "Monday starter" or a "Sunday starter"? PLEASE KNOW: you will not be protected from the pill, and will need to use protection during this entire time, as well as during the first 7 days of your next pill pack! This means 14 days of using a back-up method (condom).

Let me know if I mis-read your question, or if you do not start your "inactive pills" or Week 4 today or tomorrow (Sunday or Monday), as we can come up with another solution.

September 20, 2009 - 6:00pm

hello everyone...
okay here's my issue.....i just switched my birth control over to yaz from tri-cycle or whatever its called because it was making my periods come earlier and earlier every month. so i juss started using yaz in july. so i got my period on august the 27 -31. i was taking my pills everyday at 8 until the 2nd week..i missed 3 pills and instead of taking two to catch up i just went right into the next day which was like a thursday and on that friday my period started back up again. i asked my friend who also is on yaz and she said its because i missed 3 and didnt make up for them..so now my period lasted a whole 7 days which it NEVER has before. but since i was light on the last which was friday the 11, my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex. at first i was thinkg well i cant be pregant because you ovulate 14 after your period. but now im starting to think idont even know when i ovulate anymore because my period came like 2 or 3 weeks early?...could i be pregnant?

September 20, 2009 - 12:47pm
(reply to sexyrika89)

Yes, unfortunately, there is a chance of pregnancy any time you miss pills and have unprotected sex.

The more pills you miss, the higher your chance of pregnancy. It is important to follow your prescription exactly, including how to "make up" for missed pills. Women commonly miss pills, and is the reason there are very detailed instructions on what to do if you miss 1, 2, 3 or more pills in-a-row. What you need to know is, when birth control pills are used consistently (every day) and correctly, they are 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. When pills are not used perfectly (called "typical use"), the effectiveness rate drops down to 92% or much lower.

Also, it is important to "double-up" on pills once you've missed them (let me know if you would like me to explain how, as it is confusing the first few times). When you miss 3 or more pills in-a-row, most prescriptions say to throw that pack away and start a new one on specified day. ANYTIME you miss ANY pills, it is crucial to use back-up method (condom) for the next 7 days.

There is a chance of pregnancy when you miss pills, as women do not actually ovulate while using hormonal contraception. When you have your "period", it is actually "withdrawal bleeding" from the inactive pills (your body is "withdrawing" from not taking hormone-containing pills for the 7 days). This is probably confusing, and I'm not sure why doctors don't tell women these things! :-)
The pills works in a few ways:
1. Preventing ovulation (release of an egg)
2. Thickening cervical mucus (in case of an egg being released, this makes it difficult for sperm to get inside the cervix)
3. Altering uterine lining (so that in case an egg is released and there is a very motivated sperm, the uterine lining does not make a good habitat for a fertilized egg, thus preventing implantation).

So, if this makes sense...you don't actually ovulate when you are on the pill. When you are off the pill, say when you miss 3 pills in-a-row and do not double-up, then your body thinks you are off the pill...there are not more synthetic hormones from the pill entering your body. So, your body starts its natural process of producing and releasing hormones to begin your cycle, including signaling the maturation and release of an egg from your ovary (ovulation). This is why back-up protection is so crucial, as you do not know when you ovulate after abruptly stopping birth control, and sperm can live inside a woman's body for up to 5 days "waiting" for an egg...it allows enough time for a possible pregnancy to occur.

Lastly, there is also a fourth line of defense if you are ever in this situation again of missing pills, not making up the missed pills, then having unprotected sex without a backup method...and that is using emergency contraception (Plan B). But, if you do miss pills again, please use a condom or choose not to have intercourse and be creative with sexual intimacy in other ways!

September 20, 2009 - 1:29pm
EmpowHER Guest

I missed one day on the pill, however right after i had sex i took the pill, does that assure that i will not be pregnant?

September 20, 2009 - 12:39pm
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Birth Control

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