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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, thanks for your question! I just want to make sure that you have the patient information pamphlet (instruction sheet) that comes with your pill pack, so that you can have that as a reference. The instructions can be confusing, but still keep a copy!

If you miss a pill during Week 3 on a Tuesday, then what you need to do is:
Tuesday: oops! missed pill
Wednesday: take Wednesday's pill as scheduled, as well as Tuesday's missed pill
Thursday: resume taking one pill per day
Friday: oops! missed pill
Saturday: take Saturday's pill as scheduled, as well as Friday's missed pill
Sunday: resume taking one pill per day

* It is important any time you miss a pill that you use back-up protection (condom) for the next 7 days, as you are not fully protected (up to the 99%) from the pill during that time.

This is called "doubling-up" when taking two pills in one day, to "make up" for the previous missed pill(s). It is important to know: you don't have to take both pills at the same time, as it can cause nausea. You can take one pill with breakfast and one in the evening, for instance.

From my understanding of your question, you did not double-up on Wednesday or Saturday, is this correct? Since you are starting Week 4 either today (Sunday) or tomorrow (Monday), which is your "inactive pills", you can just throw away this current pill pack, and start the next pill pack on your regular/usual start-date (are you a "Monday starter" or a "Sunday starter"? PLEASE KNOW: you will not be protected from the pill, and will need to use protection during this entire time, as well as during the first 7 days of your next pill pack! This means 14 days of using a back-up method (condom).

Let me know if I mis-read your question, or if you do not start your "inactive pills" or Week 4 today or tomorrow (Sunday or Monday), as we can come up with another solution.

September 20, 2009 - 6:00pm


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