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hello everyone...
okay here's my issue.....i just switched my birth control over to yaz from tri-cycle or whatever its called because it was making my periods come earlier and earlier every month. so i juss started using yaz in july. so i got my period on august the 27 -31. i was taking my pills everyday at 8 until the 2nd week..i missed 3 pills and instead of taking two to catch up i just went right into the next day which was like a thursday and on that friday my period started back up again. i asked my friend who also is on yaz and she said its because i missed 3 and didnt make up for them..so now my period lasted a whole 7 days which it NEVER has before. but since i was light on the last which was friday the 11, my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex. at first i was thinkg well i cant be pregant because you ovulate 14 after your period. but now im starting to think idont even know when i ovulate anymore because my period came like 2 or 3 weeks early?...could i be pregnant?

September 20, 2009 - 12:47pm


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