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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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Hi im new here so here's my question. Im on ortho-novum 7/7/7 and I had my period on August 4th threw the 7th and it was normal just like all my periods..but on august 19th - 23rd my husband and I had unprotected sex 3 of those days and I didn't take my birth control on any of those days which puts me in my 3rd week of pills becuase I skipped some before just to make that my third week but on august 31st I started having really bad cramps that night that woke me up and I could not sleep at all becuase it was not normal for me to have cramping before I started I did start my period on sept 1st and it lasted till 4th and it was just alot of cramping but now I feel sick to my stomach and just wanting to throw up for the past 3 days now and some foods do make me sick to my stomach,so could I be pregnant from missing those pills? and when can I take a test to find out? I have been really tired and do need a nap in the day and my boobs are sore..but I m taking the birth control pills now or should i stop them just in case I am pregnant. Thanks if anyone could help me.

September 8, 2009 - 9:39am
EmpowHER Guest

I have been on Trivora for 19 years now. I was due for my period on 8/22/09. I am like clock work and typically do not miss pills or periods for that matter. Well I missed my 8/22 period had all the symptoms as if I was getting it and nothing. I had sex 7 days before my period. Is there a chance I could be pregnant?

September 3, 2009 - 1:32pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Did you miss any pills this past month?

If you are 12+ days late for your period, you can take a home pregnancy test to be sure.

The birth control pill is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly (taking one every day, about same time), and if you have been doing this, then your chances of pregnancy are less than 1% (perhaps even 0.1%). The pill is not 100% effective, so "anything" is possible (just not very likely)

September 3, 2009 - 1:44pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

No. If anything I usually take them in the morning so if I forget in the morning then I take them in the evening. And for last month, the only time I had sex since my last period was 7 days before my period as I explained.

September 3, 2009 - 1:51pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hey, this is to do with the pill but not this questions its just i coudlnt find anything else to help me, basically last week on the thursday i was sick a few or more hours after taking my pill i think it was about 4 5 hours after and they say use extra protection for the next seven days, wel i had unprotected sex on the seventh day do you think i would still be safe?

September 3, 2009 - 7:48am
(reply to Anonymous)

What does "sick" mean? Were you just ill, or were you not able to keep down the pills you took because you were vomiting?

If you missed one pill (due to vomiting), did you take it as soon as you were able to? (or, did you "double-up" and take the missed pill the next day)?

Missing one pill, then taking it as soon as you remember and/or as soon as you were able to keep it down is fine; you are most likely still protected to the full extent of the pill (99%).

Does this answer your question?

September 3, 2009 - 12:46pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Welll i was worry over something and it just made me throw up what i had eaten thats all, i carried on taking my pills as normal so i took the next days pill when i should have

September 3, 2009 - 2:41pm
EmpowHER Guest

I usually take my pill at night time about 7pm, I had unprotected sex and have only taken one tablet since, it was two days after sex, i have not taken a tablet since and had sex 5 days ago. What are the chances of being pregnant

September 1, 2009 - 11:55pm
EmpowHER Guest

i was just wondering. but i usually get my period during the middle of the month and i had sex 3 times during one weekend and it turned out that the next work day monday... it turned out that i was bleeding. i had not taken my birth control since that thursday... and i did not know what was going on. can you help me understand?

September 1, 2009 - 6:07pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have a question...Basically I started taking my birth control pills the second week in July, I took them for about 2 weeks, then I missed like 2 or 3 days and eventually just stopped taking them since I figured they would be useless at that point. I never have unprotected sex, but I do remember having sex while I was on the pill and perhaps maybe on one of those days that I forgot to take the pill. I am a little paranoid about it because I havent yet gotten my next period. When I missed the pills I spotted a little, but then after that and since then I haven't gotten my period yet. I took a pregnancy test just to make sure like 2 weeks ago and it came out negative. So, could I just be worrying for no reason or should I be worried? I have been getting what feels like period cramps off and on a little and I think Im going to get my period, but then it never comes. Could I have just screwed up my cycle or something?

September 1, 2009 - 9:56am
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Birth Control

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