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Hi im new here so here's my question. Im on ortho-novum 7/7/7 and I had my period on August 4th threw the 7th and it was normal just like all my periods..but on august 19th - 23rd my husband and I had unprotected sex 3 of those days and I didn't take my birth control on any of those days which puts me in my 3rd week of pills becuase I skipped some before just to make that my third week but on august 31st I started having really bad cramps that night that woke me up and I could not sleep at all becuase it was not normal for me to have cramping before I started I did start my period on sept 1st and it lasted till 4th and it was just alot of cramping but now I feel sick to my stomach and just wanting to throw up for the past 3 days now and some foods do make me sick to my stomach,so could I be pregnant from missing those pills? and when can I take a test to find out? I have been really tired and do need a nap in the day and my boobs are sore..but I m taking the birth control pills now or should i stop them just in case I am pregnant. Thanks if anyone could help me.

September 8, 2009 - 9:39am


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