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I have a question...Basically I started taking my birth control pills the second week in July, I took them for about 2 weeks, then I missed like 2 or 3 days and eventually just stopped taking them since I figured they would be useless at that point. I never have unprotected sex, but I do remember having sex while I was on the pill and perhaps maybe on one of those days that I forgot to take the pill. I am a little paranoid about it because I havent yet gotten my next period. When I missed the pills I spotted a little, but then after that and since then I haven't gotten my period yet. I took a pregnancy test just to make sure like 2 weeks ago and it came out negative. So, could I just be worrying for no reason or should I be worried? I have been getting what feels like period cramps off and on a little and I think Im going to get my period, but then it never comes. Could I have just screwed up my cycle or something?

September 1, 2009 - 9:56am


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