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(reply to Anonymous)

The only advice we can provide is to wait until your next period, and you can take a home pregnancy test at that time.

In the future, if you ever miss 2 or more pills again, be sure to use a back-up method (condom). If you miss pills and do not use a condom, then you may choose to use emergency contraception (Plan B) as back up (in case your original back-up doesn't work, or is not used). Plan B can only be used up to 120 hours after unprotected intercourse (waiting 5 days is too late, unfortunately).

Do you know how to "double-up" on your pills, once you miss them? If you miss 2 pills, you can't take them both the next day...be sure to look at your instruction pamphlet with your pills, and let us know if you have any questions about how to double-up (it is confusing the first few times). Here is an example:

Monday: miss pill
Tuesday: miss pill
Wednesday: take Wed pill and Monday's missed pill
Thursday: take Thur pill and Tuesday's missed pill
Friday: take Fri pill as usual

How long until you are expecting your next period (or, rather "withdrawal bleeding" from your pills)? In other words...when do you take the inactive pills?

September 22, 2009 - 12:38pm


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