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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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(reply to Anonymous)

Yes, Anon. Definitely. For a couple of different reasons.

The first reason is that you had only been taking it a few days to begin with. Doctors often recommend that you use a second form of birth control (condoms, for instance) during the first month of birth control pill use in order to make certain that you're completely protected.

But when you miss a pill or two, you increase your chance of getting pregnant that month because you've interrupted the flow of hormones from the pill that keep your body from ovulating.

In the future, if you miss one pill, you need to double up the next day.

Here is what it says on your package insert:

Missing a pill increases your risk of becoming pregnant.

If you miss one "active" pill, take two pills on the day that you remember. Then take one pill per day for the rest of the pack.

If you miss two "active" pills in a row in week one or two, take two pills per day for two days in a row. Then take one pill per day for the rest of the pack. Use back-up birth control for at least 7 days following the missed pills.

If you miss two "active" pills in a row in week three, or if you miss three pills in a row during any of the first 3 weeks, throw out the rest of the pack and start a new one the same day if you are a Day 1 starter. If you are a Sunday starter, keep taking a pill every day until Sunday. On Sunday, throw out the rest of the pack and start a new one that day.

If you miss three "active" pills in a row during any of the first 3 weeks, throw out the rest of the pack and start a new pack on the same day if you are a Day 1 starter. If you are a Sunday starter, keep taking a pill every day until Sunday. On Sunday, throw out the rest of the pack and start a new one that day.

If you miss two or more pills, you may not have a period during the month. If you miss a period for two months in a row, call your doctor because you might be pregnant.
If you miss any reminder pills, throw them away and keep taking one pill per day until the pack is empty. You do not need back-up birth control if you miss a reminder pill.

October 22, 2009 - 8:33am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I was supposed to take my first pill of my new packet (Yasmin) on Friday (16/10/09)- but unfortunately I completely forgot and the same happened on Saturday. I took one yesterday but before than I had sex with my husband. My last period started 11/10/09. Is there any chance I could get pregnat? I really hope not. I have been on pills over 7 years and never missed a pill...
thank you for your advice!

October 19, 2009 - 7:16am
(reply to Anonymous)


It's so easy to forget right after your period. Does your pill packet have sugar pills for the days off? Or is it a 21-day pack?

Whenever you are on birth control pills and miss a couple, there is a greater chance of pregnancy. But in your case, since it was RIGHT after your period, the chance is less that it would happen.

When you miss two pills, however, you should catch up like this:

Friday: Missed pill
Saturday: Missed pill
Sunday: Take two pills (Friday's and Saturday's)
Monday: Take two pills (Sunday's and Monday's)

and you should protect yourself for 7 days with another form of birth control as well, such as a condom.

Did you catch up on all four pills like that?

October 20, 2009 - 9:03am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello all, hopefully someone can help with my issue. I have been on Microgestin birh control pilss for 2 yrs now. I usually don't miss but 2 weeks ago I missed 2 pills and my period started and lasted for a week until 2 days ago (mon) I Had still been takin my active pills durin the period until I missed one yesterday (wed) and me and my fiancee had unprotected sex and he ejaculated in me. Immediately I took the pill I missed that day (so I was like 10 hrs late) now I'm super worried and concerned that I may be pregnant. Please help, thank you.

October 15, 2009 - 8:28am
(reply to Anonymous)

From what I understand of your situation, you sound like you would be fine with little or no risk of pregnancy.

Two weeks ago, you missed 2 pills
Then you had withdrawal bleeding ("period") for 1 week
Now, 3 weeks later (after taking the pill with "perfect use"), you take a pill 10 hours late.

Most pills say that if you miss a pill, take it as soon as you remember, and you do not need to use backup method (condom), although it is a good precaution. Review your patient information brochure to see what the instructions say, but missing one pill (or, taking it late) does not significantly increase your chances of pregnancy when taken as soon as you remember.

October 15, 2009 - 1:57pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am on ortho tri-cyclin, I take them regularly for almost a year. I missed my 13th and 14th pill (fri and sat) took both on sunday morning, then took my sunday pill sunday night. I have been taking them regularly since. I started bleeding monday afternoon, it is currently tuesday. I had sex on sunday and am wondering if i should take the plan b pill. I heard that it makes you feel really sick. Therefore, I would like to not take it but am worried since i am bleeding, this is a sign i am ovulating and having sex on sunday, would make me high-risk for getting pregnant.

Thank you in advance for any insight!

October 13, 2009 - 8:19am
(reply to Anonymous)

You most likely do not need to take Plan B emergency contraception, since you took your missed pills, but I do not feel it's up to us to decide to take Plan B or not. That is the question many women have to decide for themselves; it is difficult to say when one women's missed pill causes a pregnancy, and another woman's does not. Since today is Tuesday, and you had sex on Sunday...it is right at the 72 hour mark, so it really is your decision. (you can take it up to 120 hours after unprotected sex).

Please know, however, that I have told women who have asked if they should take Plan B after telling me their story...that I have recommended that they should run...not walk...to the nearest pharmacy to get Plan B and start it immediately. Your situation is in the gray area of whether you need to or not.

Emergency contraception can cause some nausea, but I would not describe this as "making you really sick". Especially since you took THREE birth control pills in one day (Sunday)...I would think that would make you feel extremely nauseous, so you would probably not notice any effects.

Please re-read the instructions on your birth control pill, as you only need to "double-up" on birth control pills and not take three in one day. Here is how you double-up (for future reference):
Fri--missed pill
Sat--missed pill
Sun--take Sunday's pill and Friday's missed pill
Mon--take Monday's pill and Saturday's missed pill
Tues--take pills as usual

Bleeding is expected after missing pills, and then taking a large dose in one day. Bleeding is not a sign of ovulation (you may hear some women experience "spotting" when ovulating, but this is literally a dot of blood on toilet paper or underwear). Bleeding is also expected after taking emergency contraception, as this is also a large dose of synthetic hormones (the same kind in your pills).

October 13, 2009 - 3:02pm
EmpowHER Guest

This message board is great, certainly a lot of help! I am on 30mcg birth control pills, and have been for about 9 months. I recently switched brands but as I read it should not make that much of a difference, as the dosage is the same? Three weeks ago, I got my period on Thursday (a couple days late which worried me) and started my pills as usual on Sunday. I took the Sunday pill but missed Monday, so I took two pills Tuesday, and also missed Wednesday so took two pills Thursday. I had unprotected sex on Saturday and Sunday (so Day 10 and 11 of my cycle). I have not had sex since then and today is day 19 of my cycle. I am wondering what is the chances of me getting pregnant are. I know that there is an increased risk but how much?

Thanks! Look forward to hearing from you.

October 12, 2009 - 9:51am
(reply to Anonymous)

You are right---anytime you miss pills, then there is an increased risk of pregnancy. I wish I could give you an exact percentage, but there just isn't such a number.

The pill, when taken with "perfect use", is about 99% effective at preventing a pregnancy. Anytime you miss a pill, this effectiveness goes down; the more pills missed, the more the effectiveness is decreased. I know that does not help to answer your question.

The most important things to do are:
1. Double-up on your missed pills (you did this...great!)
2. Use a back-up method of birth control, such as a condom, for the next 7 days after you have missed any pills.

You can also take emergency contraception (Plan B or Plan B One Step) up to 120 hours after unprotected intercourse (it is best to take it immediately or up to 72 hours after unprotected sex for best "results").

October 13, 2009 - 2:53pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am 36 yrs old and I have been on the pill for most of the last 18 years. (A brief interval of 3 months when I didn't have insurance 2 yrs ago). Currently taking Nortrel 1/35 (Ortho-Novum 1/35).

I had my period as normal on 8/10, missed two pills about 6 days later (pills # 7 and #8 I believe),doubled up for two days to make up but still got a full "period" on the third day. I continued to take my pills normally (having sex on the weekends). I didn't get my period when I normally would have, but that didn not alarm me too much because I had had my period 2 weeks earlier and knew my cycle might be messed up. I have not missed any pills since. I am now 5 days late for this period. Have taken multitudes of HPT over the last 6 weeks because I am a paranoid person. The most recent was this afternoon, all gave me neg results. The last 4 weeks have been very stressful (having to eutahnize my dog, one yr anniversary of my father's sudden death, and my pcp switching around my meds for htn) I know stress can cause you to not get your period. (I am also hypothyroid, but being treated and my levels are good). Is it possible after 2 missed periods that I could be preg and still be getting neg test results? (Intellectually I know that I am most likely not preg, especially because of my age, but as I said, I am very paranoid about such things. I am actually scheduled for a pre-op consult for a tubal next week. If I am pregnant just when I finally have made my decision to have the tubal, I think I shall have a nervous breakdown.) Any advise will be appreciated. I haven't had a good night's sleep in about two weeks for worrying.

October 11, 2009 - 6:08pm
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Birth Control

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