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EmpowHER Guest

This message board is great, certainly a lot of help! I am on 30mcg birth control pills, and have been for about 9 months. I recently switched brands but as I read it should not make that much of a difference, as the dosage is the same? Three weeks ago, I got my period on Thursday (a couple days late which worried me) and started my pills as usual on Sunday. I took the Sunday pill but missed Monday, so I took two pills Tuesday, and also missed Wednesday so took two pills Thursday. I had unprotected sex on Saturday and Sunday (so Day 10 and 11 of my cycle). I have not had sex since then and today is day 19 of my cycle. I am wondering what is the chances of me getting pregnant are. I know that there is an increased risk but how much?

Thanks! Look forward to hearing from you.

October 12, 2009 - 9:51am


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