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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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EmpowHER Guest

okay so i had unprotected sex and forgot to take the pill the night before he didnt cum in me but i am worried im pregnant. lately i have been super sick pry for like 4 weeks but i did get my period . wat do you think?

November 12, 2009 - 11:53pm


Yes, there is a chance you could be pregnant. You did well by remembering that you should take two for two days, but you actually need to do that as soon as you realize that you've missed. In other words:

You missed Sunday
You missed Monday
On Tuesday, you should take two (Sunday's pill and Monday's pill)
On Wednesday, you should take two (Tuesday's pill and Wednesday's pill)
Which means that by Thursday you are caught up and return to just taking one pill daily again.
And use an alternate form of birth control as well (like a condom) for seven days.

The second week is also the week in which, if you miss pills, you are the most likely to ovulate.

When are you expecting a period again? I realize that when taking Seasonale, you only have a period once every three months, correct? If that's coming up fairly soon, you can wait and see if you get your period on time. If it's not due for more than a month, you might want to wait until about a month after the unprotected sex and then take a home pregnancy test to be sure.

October 29, 2009 - 10:09am
EmpowHER Guest

I'm a sunday starter of Seasonale and I missed two days of active pills during the second week. I missed sunday and monday and took one on tuesday, one on wednesday, two on thursday and two on friday and i've been taking them regularly ever since. I had unprotected sex on thursday, friday and sunday. I have been on seasonale for a while but I had stopped for about a week before taking this pack. I was wondering if there is a possibility that I could be pregnant.

October 28, 2009 - 2:23pm
EmpowHER Guest

Yes there is a big chance you could get pregant

October 24, 2009 - 1:04pm
EmpowHER Guest

I was on yaz and I missed a couple of pills the following month wat do you know ....I am preganat

October 24, 2009 - 12:08pm
(reply to Anonymous)

How are you feeling, now that you know you are pregnant?

Please let us know if you need any help with resources, including an OB/GYN. Do you have a trusted family or friend that you can talk with?

October 25, 2009 - 7:29am
EmpowHER Guest

Im so worried ived missed seveal pills i think in the begg. of the 3rd week im still not caught up because doubling up to much gets me sick.. and for the first time ever my husband accedently went inside me, im scared that i might get pregnant.were recently married and nows not the time to accedntly get pregnant. Im on lo estrogen fe. ive been on bc for 2 years now but this kind maybe 4 months 5 tops! ever since ive switched to this birth control ive never had a period. Im 4 days away from the brown pills the last pills of the pack, So is there a chance i could get pregnant , should i continue the pills aslo SOMEONE PLS ANSWER ME, Sarah

October 23, 2009 - 5:52pm
EmpowHER Guest

hey, i am on yasmin b/c with only 21 pills inside. i start the pill on saturdays but i forgot to take it sat and sun but took 3 on mon (of the first week) and on the 2nd week i forgot to take 2 pills again mon and tuseday and took 3 on wednesday is there i high chance of me being pregnant? i am on my period now which is verry light and has brown discharge it is lighter than normal for 2 months now help!!

October 22, 2009 - 11:58am
(reply to Anonymous)

I'm assuming you had unprotected sex during the time you missed pills, and this is why you are worried about pregnancy?

Anytime you miss pills, this increases your chance for pregnancy. The more pills you miss, the more your risk increases, but there is no percentage or number that is available to provide to you, unfortunately.

Also..be sure to make up for your missed pills correctly, as I have not heard about any instructions telling women to take 3 pills in one day. What does the patient information brochure (comes with every new pack) tell you to do when you miss a pill or two? I assume it says something like this:
Mon--take Monday's pill and Saturday's missed pill
Tues--take Tuesday's pill and Sunday's missed pill

But, then you said you took three pills on Monday, but forgot to take Monday's pill? I'm not sure if that equates exactly (if you didn't take Monday's pill..what was the 3rd pill from?).

If you did not take Monday's pill, and actually missed three pills in-a-row, there are different instructions that say to start over again with a new pack, but instructions vary depending on what pills you missed. It makes sense that your period would be different from "normal", as taking pills irregularly can lend itself to an irregular "period" (or, actually it is "withdrawal bleeding" when you are using hormonal contraceptives, and not a "period").

Not sure if this is too much information that you did not ask for, but your periods will be irregular and that is normal when you do not use the pill correctly and consistently (we understand...it happens!). Just be sure the most important part of this: make up the missed pills exactly as instructed, and if you don't understand how, then ask us or call your doctor. Then...the most important part: use a back-up method (condom) for the next 7 days after the missed pills.

October 22, 2009 - 1:02pm
EmpowHER Guest

I take Loestrin 24Fe i have only been taking it now one week and i missed two pills and had unprotected sex twice on the days that i missed the pills and i resumed taking the pill but did not double up on them is there a chance i could get pregant?

October 20, 2009 - 4:10pm
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Birth Control

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