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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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Hi there, hoping someone can help. I had Mirena removed in October and have been on Aviane since...Here is my problem: Friday Start, I took my pills during week 1 and week 2 without a hitch..the 3rd week i was suppose to start my pills (on the friday), i messed up and looked at an old pack and saw only the sugar pills instead of the right one (i should have had 7 active pills left for the 3rd week).
Soo...I was supposed to take a pill on the friday night, missed it, saturday night (8pm or so on Jan.30th) i had intercourse and didn't realize until Tuesday am that i was still supposed to be taking the 3rd week of my pills. So as of Tuesday I would have missed 4 pills :(I took 2 pills on Tuesday am and then i checked out emergency contraception and as directed I can use my birth control pills as emergency contraceptive (Aviane) to take 5 orange active pills which I took on Wednesday at 6:30pm and another 5 active pills 12 hours later, which i took on thursday am at 7:00am)..this would have put me at 95hrs when i took the first 5 and 107hrs for the ones i took 12 hours later. I started a new pack of pills on Friday night and have been taking one everyday since..I was suppose to start my regular period on Monday Feb.8th but did not get it yet (i heard that if you miss 3 or more pills that i may not have a period that week)...with this being said, did i take the emergency contraceptive in time, if so, when should i get my period? I also heard that you dont' ususally ovulate until about 7 days later, so am i safe to assume that i should be ok? Please let me know what you think...

February 10, 2010 - 10:30am

Hi, I have a question..
I been on birth control and i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend the beggining of last week.. now i havent missed any of my pills but i been having nausea i should be getting my period this week.
Is there a possibility that i can be pregnant??

February 9, 2010 - 10:31am
(reply to Riana01)


Depending on your definition, you actually had "protected sex" with your boyfriend, since you are using birth control pills. Protected sex from pregnancy means using protection (birth control), including barrier methods (condoms) and/or hormonal contraceptive methods (pills, ring, etc.).

Protected sex from STDs/STIs would only include the barrier methods of contraceptive (male or female condom).

As long as you are taking your birth control (pills?) consistently and correctly every day, then they are 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. Only thing better than that is abstinence from sex (100% effective!).

There are so many reasons for nausea, that it is not a good indicator of pregnancy. An indicator of pregnancy would be a missed period (or no bleeding) during your "non-hormonal pill days" (or week of "sugar pills").

February 9, 2010 - 2:40pm
EmpowHER Guest

Ok, I'm confused. I'm currently taking Apri and missed yesterday's and the day before's pill (2 in a row) during week 3, which I usually take at night (so I haven't yet missed today's pill). The instructions say to take one pill until Sunday and then start a new pack. But reading through this thread, I'm not sure if that means 1) doubling up today and tomorrow or 2) discarding the two active missed pills and taking one pill today and one pill tomorrow before starting a new pack on Sunday. Can you please clarify the "one pill" vs "doubling up"? Thanks!

February 5, 2010 - 5:35am
(reply to Anonymous)

Yes, I know it can be confusing!

It is most important to follow YOUR specific prescription instructions. We are providing information to the masses who do not have their instruction booklets, and are going by typical use. If your prescription says something different, PLEASE follow your prescription instructions!

You said you missed yesterday's pill (Thur, Feb 4th) and the pill the day before (Wed, Feb 3rd). You have yet to take tonight's pill (Fri, Feb 5th).

Since you asked about "doubling up", here's what it would look like (missing 2 pills in-a-row):
Today (Fri, 2/5): take Wednesday, Feb 3rd missed pill as soon as you remember
Tonight (Fri, 2/5): take tonight's pill as usual
Tomorrow (Sat, 2/6): take Thursday, Feb 4th missed pill in the morning
Tomorrow night (Sat, 2/6): take Saturday's pill as usual

It is important to "double up" when you miss 2 pills in a row, and the key is to:
- not take both pills at the same time, as it could cause nausea
- take the pill that you missed first as soon as you remember
- always take THAT DAY'S pill (don't "skip" the day you are on)

Birth control brands are different, and the above are general guidelines. Usually the pill instructions say to "take one pill, then start a new pack" if you miss 3 or more pills in-a-row. If yours is saying to do this after missing 2 in-a-row, then it is important to follow the instructions on YOUR specific prescription. The instructions may vary depending on what week of pills you missed.

Either way, it is also important to read the part of the instructions that say, "Use back up protection, such as a condom, for the following 7 days".

February 9, 2010 - 2:50pm
EmpowHER Guest

Thank you for your question. You are correct that you should start a new pack of your Pills if you miss three days in a row. There is always a chance of pregnancy even on the Pill as nothing is a 'guarantee'. Pregnancy tests are also 99% accurate and since you took two of them already and they came back negative, I would think the pregnancy concern should be reduced significantly.

As for a percentage or chance of pregnancy, I am not sure there will be a clear answer for you, as every woman is different. Since you have been taking the Pill for a long period of time, your chances are reduced more than someone who has just started taking the Pill. Your body becomes more accustomed but there are still chances.

I know you are looking for a clear cut answer, but there really isn't a definitive answer. Please keep us updated! Good luck!

January 31, 2010 - 11:03am
EmpowHER Guest

OK, my situation is similar but not exact to many of these posts. I accidentally skipped 3 pills (sunday start, took sunday and monday) during the first week of my new pack (ortho tri cyclen lo). I skipped tuesday, wed, and thursday. On friday, I doubled up. I also doubled up on Saturday and Sunday. Now I know I was supposed to start a new pack after skipping 3 but I didn't know that then. Anyway, I also didn't know to use a back-up method for 7 days after skipping. I thought it was more like 3 or 4 days. So my husband and I had sex sometime during the end of that 7 day window, but unfortunately I can't remember exactly when. For the rest of the month, I took the pills as directed. Then I ran across a post that said that after 3 days of missed pills you are supposed to use a back up method for 7 days and I started panicking. We were not planning on having any more kids. I know I made a huge mistake but I can't change the past now. So anyway, I am petrified of being pregnant. I did not take the last 2 pills in the pack to try to bring my period on sooner just to ease my mind. I also took an early response hpt both 5 and 4 days before my expected period and both came back negative, but I know it is still early. Today is 4 days before my expected period. I'm just curious if an expert in the way the pills work can comment on the likelihood of my being pregnant is. By the way, I've been on the pill for years, only stopping during the pregnancy of my 2 children. I know there is always a chance of my being pregnant, I just want to know how big of a chance! Thanks.

January 31, 2010 - 10:42am
EmpowHER Guest

If you have 2 pills left in your packet and u have unprotected sex and do not take those 2 last pills what does this mean? Could you get Pregnant?

January 30, 2010 - 4:06am
EmpowHER Guest

If you have 2 pills left in your packet and u have unprotected sex and do not take those 2 last pills what does this mean? Could you get Pregnant?

January 30, 2010 - 4:06am
EmpowHER Guest

I missed 3 birth control pills and had unprocted sex on the third day. I had a light period the next day and then it stopped. Could I be pregnant?

January 29, 2010 - 8:35am
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Birth Control

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