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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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I have a few questions. The last day of my period was Tuesday the day I went to see my doctor to talk about a birth control method it's been a years sense I got my birth control shot. My partner has been using condomS for a year now but I want him to stop using condoms and I told my doctor I wanted this time to take pills. She have me the liesterin fe. Now remember I saw my doctor tuesday the last day of my period she tells me to start taking them that day. I go home and read the instruccions because I had never taking pills and it said that I needed to take it on a Sunday. So I took it that day and call my doctor and she said to take the pills the upcoming Sunday. I been taking the pills for two weeks now but Im so confused because Im actually a day ahead on the pill package it says that I'm taking the Mondays pill but it's actually Sundays. Plus I want to have sex with my pattern without the condom and I'm going to take the pills for another week. Is this safe? My doctor just confused me!! What should I do help

February 20, 2010 - 9:30pm
(reply to Anonymous)

That does sound confusing, but is an easy solution!

You may be interested in reviewing the Loestrin 24 Fe website, complete with the Patient Information Sheet, FAQs and other helpful information: Loestrin 24 Fe.

You can choose the day you want to start your pills...most women choose either a Monday or Sunday. I'm not sure where you read that "you must take the pill starting Sunday", because the Detailed Patient Information Leaflet with your prescription clearly says you can choose the day, beginning with the first day of your period. You probably noticed your pill pack has pre-printed days-of-the-week, and this does begin with Sunday. However, there are pre-printed "days of the week" label strips, each starting with a different day, that you simply place on your pill pack to change your start day.

It's great that you called your doctor for clarification, and she said to start the pills on the upcoming Sunday. It sounds like you took a pill the same day you called your doctor, and she told you to wait until the upcoming Sunday to start your pills...so you are just "off" on the day. Since you are a day ahead, the simplest method would be to just take the "day of the week" label that correctly corresponds with the day you are actually taking the pill...I assume since you are a day ahead, this would be the label beginning with Saturday?

Since you've been taking the pill for 2 weeks (I assume with no missed pills), then you would be protected from pregnancy (up to 99% effectiveness rate) if you choose to have sex with your partner.

Does this help? Please write back if you need more clarification!

February 21, 2010 - 7:48am
EmpowHER Guest

I have a few questions. The last day of my period was Tuesday the day I went to see my doctor to talk about a birth control method it's been a years sense I got my birth control shot. My partner has been using condomS for a year now but I want him to stop using condoms and I told my doctor I wanted this time to take pills. She have me the liesterin fe. Now remember I saw my doctor tuesday the last day of my period she tells me to start taking them that day. I go home and read the instruccions because I had never taking pills and it said that I needed to take it on a Sunday. So I took it that day and call my doctor and she said to take the pills the upcoming Sunday. I been taking the pills for two weeks now but Im so confused because Im actually a day ahead on the pill package it says that I'm taking the Mondays pill but it's actually Sundays. Plus I want to have sex with my pattern without the condom and I'm going to take the pills for another week. Is this safe? My doctor just confused me!! What should I do help

February 20, 2010 - 9:28pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have a few questions. The last day of my period was Tuesday the day I went to see my doctor to talk about a birth control method it's been a years sense I got my birth control shot. My partner has been using condomS for a year now but I want him to stop using condoms and I told my doctor I wanted this time to take pills. She have me the liesterin fe. Now remember I saw my doctor tuesday the last day of my period she tells me to start taking them that day. I go home and read the instruccions because I had never taking pills and it said that I needed to take it on a Sunday. So I took it that day and call my doctor and she said to take the pills the upcoming Sunday. I been taking the pills for two weeks now but Im so confused because Im actually a day ahead on the pill package it says that I'm taking the Mondays pill but it's actually Sundays. Plus I want to have sex with my pattern without the condom and I'm going to take the pills for another week. Is this safe? My doctor just confused me!! What should I do help

February 20, 2010 - 9:27pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have a few questions. The last day of my period was Tuesday the day I went to see my doctor to talk about a birth control method it's been a years sense I got my birth control shot. My partner has been using condomS for a year now but I want him to stop using condoms and I told my doctor I wanted this time to take pills. She have me the liesterin fe. Now remember I saw my doctor tuesday the last day of my period she tells me to start taking them that day. I go home and read the instruccions because I had never taking pills and it said that I needed to take it on a Sunday. So I took it that day and call my doctor and she said to take the pills the upcoming Sunday. I been taking the pills for two weeks now but Im so confused because Im actually a day ahead on the pill package it says that I'm taking the Mondays pill but it's actually Sundays. Plus I want to have sex with my pattern without the condom and I'm going to take the pills for another week. Is this safe? My doctor just confused me!! What should I do help

February 20, 2010 - 9:24pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have a few questions. The last day of my period was Tuesday the day I went to see my doctor to talk about a birth control method it's been a years sense I got my birth control shot. My partner has been using condomS for a year now but I want him to stop using condoms and I told my doctor I wanted this time to take pills. She have me the liesterin fe. Now remember I saw my doctor tuesday the last day of my period she tells me to start taking them that day. I go home and read the instruccions because I had never taking pills and it said that I needed to take it on a Sunday. So I took it that day and call my doctor and she said to take the pills the upcoming Sunday. I been taking the pills for two weeks now but Im so confused because Im actually a day ahead on the pill package it says that I'm taking the Mondays pill but it's actually Sundays. Plus I want to have sex with my pattern without the condom and I'm going to take the pills for another week. Is this safe? My doctor just confused me!! What should I do help

February 20, 2010 - 9:24pm
EmpowHER Guest

I kinda have a similar question.. if you miss two pills, start bleeding kinda like a period. Had sex same day before the bleeding started, unprotected. Is there a chance of pregnancy? It would be the end of week 2/beginning of week 3 of the pills, back ups were not used. Thanks for your help!

February 15, 2010 - 6:24pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Yes..anytime you have sex at the same time you have missed pills, there is a chance of pregnancy. The birth control pill is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly; any time you miss pills (especially 2 or more in-a-row), the effectiveness rate decreases.

February 16, 2010 - 2:26pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am trying to get pregnant and am wondering how quickly it can happen. I quit taking my birth control so far for two days during the end of my second week of my birth control (ortho, sunday starter). How quickly could this happen? Valentines day would have been a nive day to conceive :)

Thank you

February 15, 2010 - 9:35am

I'm on Microgestin 1/20 and have been for about 8 months. And I missed 3 pills the first week of the month and had to double pills to make up for it. The second week of my pack I had unprotected sex and he ejaculated inside of me. My question is if I am at a high risk of pregnancy and if you being on the pill for a long period of time can decrease the risk of pregnancy? And if you can start imagining symptoms. Because i have been feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

February 15, 2010 - 4:11am
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Birth Control

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