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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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Anonymous (reply to sexyrika89)

i do it with my man more then that in one day! haha
well, you ovulate 10-15 days after the first day of your period! and yes its normal to have period after missing pills. what the pill does is trick your body into beleving that its preg. in doing so it doesn't give out any eggs.
My suggustion to you to get preg is to take the pill for a whole week or two, miss three days with out coreccting your mistake or stop taking all together, after; wait 13days after first day of period, and if you want even have sex on your period to make things accurit. but after have sex, and enjoy!!

December 21, 2009 - 6:08am
(reply to sexyrika89)

Hi, Sexyrika,

Welcome to EmpowHer! And thank you for your question.

Does your boyfriend agree that it's time to try for a baby? Have the two of you talked about this?

Some women get pregnant in the first month after taking the pill; for others it can take a few months for their cycle to become regular without the pill.

One way to know when you are ovulating is to stay aware of your cervical mucus. When you are not ovulating, it will be whitish, a bit sticky and thick. When you are about to ovulate, it will get clear and have a consistency more like egg whites -- slippery and shiny. That mucus is a signal that your body is receptive to sperm entering it to fertilize an egg.

In general, we ovulate about 14 days before our periods begin. Keep track on a calendar for a few months and you'll have a much better idea.

Does this help some?

November 27, 2009 - 8:38am
EmpowHER Guest

i missed my pill on saturday and took two on sunday then had unprotected sex sunday night now im scared i might be pregnant im havin a wierd feeling in my stomach?

November 23, 2009 - 9:56am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, this is a great message board, thank you ladies for the advice you provide!

I have been on birth control for 5 years, never had a problem with it despite a few missed pill scares. Currently I am on Ocella, the generic of Yasmin. I am a Friday starter and am in the second week of the pack. I usually take the pill around 8 am. I took the pill on Friday morning, but somehow forgot on Saturday morning, and again this morning. And I had unprotected sex this morning. I remembered to take the Sunday pill around 4 pm today. Normally I feel that it is not the end of the world to be taking a pill 8 hours late, although it is obviously not ideal, so I was not too stressed when I went to take the pill. But! then I looked at the pack and saw in horror that I apparently forgot Saturday's as well, drrr.

So in effect I missed 1 1/3 pills - missed Saturday's and took Sunday's 8 hours late. I took both Saturday and Sunday's pills today at 4 pm. I am wondering whether I should double up on pills tomorrow? Should I try to get Plan B to protect against pregnancy from the unprotected sex this morning?

Thanks so much ladies, I really value your advice and the service you are providing to women!!

November 22, 2009 - 2:17pm
(reply to Anonymous)

I'm glad you have found this site useful; hopefully we can help answer your question as well.

You are right on the border line for whether or not to take emergency contraception (Plan B). Typically, if a woman misses one pill, then takes it as soon as she remembers, the instructions say you do not need to use extra protection (and, thus, Plan B would not be recommended). Typically, if a woman misses two or more pills in-a-row, and has sex during this time, then it is highly recommended that she take Plan B.

Your body was without the synthetic hormones from your pills for 52 hours; 28 additional hours than is recommended (take a pill every 24 hours). It is necessary to double-up on your missed pills, and it would not be harmful if you chose to take Plan B. Since you missed one pill, and then took the next one 4 hour late, it would probably be a good idea to take Plan B, if it is accessible to you, to be on the safe side, and prevent extra worry and concern for the next few weeks until your period begins.

How to double-up on your pills (you may already know this):
Friday: took pill
Saturday: missed pill
Sunday: took Sunday pill late
Monday: take Monday's pill and Saturday's missed pill
Tuesday: pill as usual

Plan B works by preventing pregnancy before it occurs; having sex this morning means you are not pregnant yet (it takes a while for the sperm to join with the egg, then for the fertilized egg to travel down the fallopian tubes and finally implant in the uterus). Your birth control pills prevent the egg from being released in the first place, but you never know if the 52-hour window of no-hormones was enough for your body to ovulate. It's unlikely, but you never know..it is a possibility. Plan B would work to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting (if you did ovulate, and if the sperm did fertilize the egg...a lot of "if's").

I hope this helps; I'm sure it is not the definitive answer you were looking for, but I would tend to err on the side of caution and take Plan B.

Let us know what you decide!

November 22, 2009 - 7:06pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Alison, you rock! Thank you so much for answering my question on a Sunday night! I think I will take your advice and go get the Plan B. I did not realize you could get it without a prescription; that's great. I will keep my fingers crossed for no pregnancy and try to remember better in the future! Thanks again for your advice.

November 22, 2009 - 8:20pm
EmpowHER Guest

I had unprotected sex on a Monday night. I had taken the pill Monday morning - but on Tuesday was advised to stop taking the pill (yaz) immediately due to the serious side effects i was having. So i did not take my pill Tuesday morning, and have not since. Could I get pregnant from this? I was close to the end of week 2 in my pack. I have been on the pill for right about 3 months.

November 18, 2009 - 12:52pm
EmpowHER Guest

So im on Loestrin24Fe,and i am week 3 of taking the pills. Now i missed taking the pills for 3 days and i had unprotected sex two days ago. Which by then would have mean that i missed taking the pill 1 day so now im confused as to if i could be pregnant becasue i have spoted a little bit but thats it. So what do u think i should do? should i be worried or not?

November 14, 2009 - 12:36am
(reply to Anonymous)

Most likely, you are spotting because of the 3-day interruption of hormones from not taking your birth control pills. However, there is a chance of pregnancy; whenever you miss more than two pills, the instructions usually tell you to use other birth control protection for 7 days and either take two pills for three days or else throw that pack out and start a new pack on the following sunday (even if you are bleeding).

When is your period due?

November 16, 2009 - 8:50am


I need some more information to go on here before I can give you a better idea.

When did this unprotected sex happen?
When was the first day of your last period?
And you are on daily pills for birth control, and you only forgot one pill? Is that right?

And if the period that you had was AFTER the unprotected sex, then no, you're not pregnant. Might you be feeling sick from something else, like the flu? What are your symptoms?

November 13, 2009 - 10:21am
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Birth Control

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