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(reply to sexyrika89)

Hi, Sexyrika,

Welcome to EmpowHer! And thank you for your question.

Does your boyfriend agree that it's time to try for a baby? Have the two of you talked about this?

Some women get pregnant in the first month after taking the pill; for others it can take a few months for their cycle to become regular without the pill.

One way to know when you are ovulating is to stay aware of your cervical mucus. When you are not ovulating, it will be whitish, a bit sticky and thick. When you are about to ovulate, it will get clear and have a consistency more like egg whites -- slippery and shiny. That mucus is a signal that your body is receptive to sperm entering it to fertilize an egg.

In general, we ovulate about 14 days before our periods begin. Keep track on a calendar for a few months and you'll have a much better idea.

Does this help some?

November 27, 2009 - 8:38am


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