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(reply to Anonymous)

Yes, Anon. Definitely. For a couple of different reasons.

The first reason is that you had only been taking it a few days to begin with. Doctors often recommend that you use a second form of birth control (condoms, for instance) during the first month of birth control pill use in order to make certain that you're completely protected.

But when you miss a pill or two, you increase your chance of getting pregnant that month because you've interrupted the flow of hormones from the pill that keep your body from ovulating.

In the future, if you miss one pill, you need to double up the next day.

Here is what it says on your package insert:

Missing a pill increases your risk of becoming pregnant.

If you miss one "active" pill, take two pills on the day that you remember. Then take one pill per day for the rest of the pack.

If you miss two "active" pills in a row in week one or two, take two pills per day for two days in a row. Then take one pill per day for the rest of the pack. Use back-up birth control for at least 7 days following the missed pills.

If you miss two "active" pills in a row in week three, or if you miss three pills in a row during any of the first 3 weeks, throw out the rest of the pack and start a new one the same day if you are a Day 1 starter. If you are a Sunday starter, keep taking a pill every day until Sunday. On Sunday, throw out the rest of the pack and start a new one that day.

If you miss three "active" pills in a row during any of the first 3 weeks, throw out the rest of the pack and start a new pack on the same day if you are a Day 1 starter. If you are a Sunday starter, keep taking a pill every day until Sunday. On Sunday, throw out the rest of the pack and start a new one that day.

If you miss two or more pills, you may not have a period during the month. If you miss a period for two months in a row, call your doctor because you might be pregnant.
If you miss any reminder pills, throw them away and keep taking one pill per day until the pack is empty. You do not need back-up birth control if you miss a reminder pill.

October 22, 2009 - 8:33am


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