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(reply to Anonymous)


It is great that you doubled-up on your pills, but it doesn't sound like you did it according to the instructions, as you don't want to take more than 2 pills in one day (you take that day's pill as usual, then one of the previously missed pills):
Tuesday: take Tuesday's pill and Sunday's missed pill
Wednesday: take Wednesday's pill and Monday's missed pill
Thursday: back to usual

It is important to use back-up method of birth control (condom) for the first 7 days after you've missed pills. It's great that you and your hubby used a form of protection during the 1st week, but it is not clear how many days after your missed pills this was. Basically, the priority to keep yourself at the 99% rate of being "protected" against pregnancy is to take your pills consistently and correctly each time. When you accidentally miss a pill or two, double-up exactly as instructed by your pill pack, and use a condom for the next 7 days. If you are ever in doubt...use a condom!

Your pregnancy test would come back negative, as the earliest you would be able to detect a pregnancy is at the time of a missed period. Technically, it takes 10-14 days to actually become pregnant after unprotected sex (the egg needs to be released, sperm is waiting for the egg for 3-5 days, the egg is fertilized, the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tubes, and then implants into uterus...it's actually quite a process!). So, if your unprotected sex was just a few days ago, you would not technically be pregnant yet.

Also, I'm not sure about your question regarding having a 13 month old...are you asking if a prior pregnancy "causes" you to become pregnant quicker the next time? Or, if having a baby "prevents" you from getting pregnant as quick? The only time a baby can help prevent a subsequent pregnancy is within the first 6 months if you are breastfeeding on a regular basis (day and night), but this is not a guarantee.

You likely would not have any pregnancy symptoms yet (as, you are technically not pregnant yet, and your body is not releasing any pregnancy hormones). It would be interesting if you kept a diary of your first pregnancy, to read back at the symptoms you experienced, and at what week. Most women's first signs of pregnancy are a missed period, and I assume your period is not even expected for another few weeks?

Most likely, your symptoms are stress-related or an impending illness, as it is cold/flu season. Get lots of rest, wash your hands, and if your period is late than you can take a home pregnancy test at that time. Your chances of pregnancy are likely low, as you did take all of the hormones in your pills (and 3 pills in one day can make you feel ill; nauseous and headache...that is a lot of hormones all at once in your system!), and you also used protection for at least most of the required 7 days.

September 24, 2009 - 2:38pm


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