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(reply to Anonymous)

You are right: your spotting is most likely from the inconsistency of taking pills.

Some women have light spotting at the time of implantation; some women don't. Some women do not even notice it, because it is so slight, and this is not one of the most common signs of pregnancy...so I would not worry about this any longer!

What concerns me most is the way that you took your missed pills...do you have the information pamphlet that came with your pill pack? Be sure to read this thoroughly, and follow the instructions (I know, they can be confusing). It is important to take missed pills exactly as directed, and in your case, it would have been like this:
Tuesday..oops, missed pill
Wed..oops, missed pill
Thursday..take Thur pill and Tuesday's missed pill
Friday...take Fri pill and Wed's missed pill
Saturday..back to usual

Taking three pills in one day is a lot of hormones in your body at once, and can definitely cause some spotting. Also, abruptly stopping the hormones (by missing two in-a-row) can also cause some spotting. This is nothing to worry about, but also know that your period may be irregular this month.

When you had sex on Saturday, had you missed any pills previously? Missing pills after-the-fact is not really a concern for pregnancy, but make sure that you use a back-up method (condom) for the NEXT 7 days after missing pills, as the effectiveness rate of the pill (usually 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when used perfectly) has decreased until the hormones are back at normal levels in your body.

September 24, 2009 - 2:50pm


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