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What Motivates You To Improve Women's Sex Lives? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)

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What Motivates You To Improve Women's Sex Lives? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
What Motivates You To Improve Women's Sex Lives? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
3 of 24 : Current video

Patty discusses her motivations for helping women improve their sex lives.

Patty Brisben:
I think what motivates me the most is seeing a woman being able to smile, to see the woman being happy with being more in touch with herself. You know, I think that information is powerful and so therefore, that’s what motivates me everyday, is being able to provide that safe, safe zone for women to be able to ask these questions.

About Patty Brisben:
Patty Brisben is the CEO and Founder of Pure Romance, Inc., one of the fastest growing woman-to-woman businesses in the world. As a leading party planning company specializing in relationship enhancement products, Pure Romance is improving the quality of sexual health and awareness for women and couples everywhere.

Visit Patty at The Patty Brisben Foundation

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