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Sexual Desire, How Can A Woman Regain This? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)

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Sexual Desire, How Can A Woman Regain This? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
Sexual Desire, How Can A Woman Regain This? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
16 of 24 : Current video

Patty discusses how a woman can regain her sexual desire.

Patty Brisben:
I think if you have lost your sexual desire, and many women do, especially going through menopausal issues, hysterectomies, even the ill effects of cancer, one of the ways that you can regain that is taking one step at a time. You have to, you have to desire this, you have to want this so it has to start here first, and by being able to say, “You know what, I am going to take ten minutes out of my day and I am going to A, number one, have time to pamper myself and also be able to explore my body,” and if it’s only ten minutes that you have a day, use something like the pulsar bath ball in the shower and that’s really great because that will just open up all the senses and allow you to kind of inhale and make that desire come back.

So you really, this is a job. If this is something that you really want, it will be something worth working towards. So, take those steps, you know, little step, baby steps, little bit at a time by starting to pamper and explore.

About Patty Brisben:
Patty Brisben is the CEO and Founder of Pure Romance, Inc., one of the fastest growing woman-to-woman businesses in the world. As a leading party planning company specializing in relationship enhancement products, Pure Romance is improving the quality of sexual health and awareness for women and couples everywhere.

Visit Patty at The Patty Brisben Foundation

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