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Relationships, How Can Women Bring The Spark Back? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)

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Relationships, How Can Women Bring The Spark Back?  - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
Relationships, How Can Women Bring The Spark Back? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
23 of 24 : Current video

Patty discusses what women can do if they feel the spark is missing from their relationship.

Patty Brisben:
If you feel that you’ve lost that loving feeling with your partner, one of the things that you can do is communicate, communicate, communicate. It is time to, maybe start having a date night. It’s time to maybe take, not even the sexual thing, but just having that time to spoon and to hold hands and, you know, maybe going to a movie together. I think, you know, just finding one-on-one time with one another is so important, even as funny as this may seem, taking a shower together. It helps you to explore and get back to when you first met; the things that really attracted you in the first place. So, it’s all about communication.

<About Patty Brisben:
Patty Brisben is the CEO and Founder of Pure Romance, Inc., one of the fastest growing woman-to-woman businesses in the world. As a leading party planning company specializing in relationship enhancement products, Pure Romance is improving the quality of sexual health and awareness for women and couples everywhere.

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