Some doctors' names have M.D. after it and some don't. What exactly does it mean to have M.D. after a doctor's name? Should I only see a doctor if they are an M.D.?

What does it mean when a doctor has M.D. after their name?


I have a gym membership, but now that it's starting to cool down, I would love to head outdoors to exercise. What are some good outdoor exercises?

What are some good outdoor exercises for fall?


Back in February CVS announced they would stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products. Today they announced they are officially a cigarette-free store. They make around $2 billion a year in ...

CVS stopped selling cigarettes today. Will other stores follow suit?


Since going through menopause, i've been very anxious. Like the feeling i'm doing something wrong or tingling like i'm nervous. Is this normal? 

Does menopause make you anxious?

What is exercise bulimia?


My mother in law told me that she used to to pick dandelions from the garden and make salads when she was little. Is this safe to eat directly out of your garden? 

Can I eat dandelions from my garden?


I am in my mid 20s, but am afraid about discovering that I have cancer or another health condition. What is common to find while in your 20s? What health conditions should I watch for or be ...

What health conditions are common in your 20s?


I always crack my knuckles! It's become a habit and I can't help myself. I heard it can be bad though. Is it bad to crack my knuckles?

Is it bad to crack my knuckles?


Via UnsplashI hit my head and it hurts. Shortly after I hit my head I got a headache and i'm not sure what is happening (if I have a concussion or not). It's a few days later and my head still ...

How do you know if you have a concussion?


Some of my friends developed diabetes as teenagers or even later in life. It's made me wonder if the same could happen to me. How do you get diabetes? Are there risk factors for the disease?

How do you get diabetes?


What is the difference between Hepatitis A, B and C? What are the symptoms? How do you get tested for hepatitis?

what are the symptoms of hepatitis?


Trans fat is always talked about being one of the unhealthiest ingredients on food labels. I heard that some companies have even decided to ban trans fat. Why is trans fat so unhealthy?

Why is trans fat unhealthy?


I am a huge germaphobe! I carry hand sanitizer around all the time with me. I always worry about how many germs there are in public places and avoid touching door handles, stair rails, etc. What ...

What are the dirtiest things to touch in public?


I went to the doctor the other day and he diagnosed me with panniculus. The name sounds really fancy, but it's basically a layer of fat in your lower stomach region. Am I considered obese if I ...

Is panniculus considered obesity?


I am very concerned about the hormones in my birth control. Are there other methods that I should know about (besides a shot or arm implant).

Is there a non-hormonal version of birth control?


What is the cause of hemorrhoids? What can one do to prevent them? Are they in any way genetic? Should I be worried if I have them?

How are hemorrhoids formed?


I've heard endless stories about Botox. I have lines around my lips and eyes, i've heard it works really well around these areas, is this true?

Does Botox really work?


My face has a lot of red coloring and marks on it. I'm not sure what it is exactly. Could this be from rosacea or is it another skin condition?

I have redness on my nose, my cheeks and my chin. Could I have rosacea?


I'm so embarrassed, are there many other women out there with herpes? Can I ever find a partner? Help!

I have herpes, I was just diagnosed how am I ever going to find a partner?


In middle of the night I wake up with a dull ache in my hip. I try to move my hips and legs around to get rid of the pain (it feels like it is deep inside, not a muscle or bone), but moving it ...

Why am I experiencing hip pain?


All of a sudden i've gotten red broken blood vessels on my nose and cheeks. Am i\I blowing my nose too hard? Why would this just be on my cheeks?

Why do i get red broken blood vessels on my cheeks and my nose


I have redness on my nose, my cheeks and my chin. Could I have rosatia?

Could I have rosatia?


I would really like to donate my hair to a program like locks of love or Pantene's beautiful lengths program. Are there any tips for growing my hair out? Has anyone out there donated your hair to ...

Is there a way to grow your hair out quickly?


Which is better cotton or silk on sensitive skin? Are there any other fabrics to consider with very sensitive skin? 

Are all types of fabrics safe on my sensitive skin?


I'm really attached to my dog and take it everywhere with me. It even comes to the bathroom with me. Do you think I have mental issues?

Is it bad to take my dog everywhere with me?


If I eat certain foods, I can slow down the aging process. Is that true? What foods should I be eating?

Are anti-aging foods real?


I am lactose "unfriendly" as I like to call it. I can not have whey protein because it hurts my stomach. I have tried pea and soy proteins that are dairy-free, but are there any other options and ...

What are the best types of protein for lactose intolerant women?


We see so many lining the shelves. Everything from Voss to Evian to Figi . Does the added cost included any added health benefits compared to the less expensive brands.

Does expensive water truly have added health benefits?


My family has a history of osteoporosis. Is it genetic? How much does my family history increase my risk?

Is osteoporosis genetic?


I like exercising but I'm stuck at my desk during the day. Are there simple exercises I can do while working or with quick breaks? I think it might help me stay more alert during the day.

What exercises can I do at my desk during the work day?


I played soccer after what I thought was enough stretching. However, I still got a small muscle tear in the back of my thigh. How can I best recover from it? What are good exercises to prevent ...

How do I best recover from a muscle tear in my quads?


I've been so congested lately and nothing seems to be working. I've taken cold medicine and allergy medicine with no changes in my congestion. Are there any home remedies I could try? What happens ...

Are there any miracle cures for allergy related congestion?


I love to exercise both in the morning and at night but sometimes I'm so exhausted the thought of working out seems daunting. What are the pros and cons of a preworkout? 

Should I be taking a preworkout?


Sometimes my boyfriend's back and chest break out in acne. What could be causing this? Is it hormone related? Diet? Are there any quick fixes? Do the normal remedies (the same I would use for my ...

Help!! My boyfriends back and chest are breaking out in acne! What can I do to help him?


Should I be filtering my tap water? How do I know if the tap water around me is safe to drink? Is there an easy way to tell if the tap water is safe to drink if I am traveling? 

How can I tell if tap water is safe to drink?


I've had pinkeye a few times in my life. I am wondering how contagious it is, and if there is something we can do to prevent it. Also, are there symptoms that we can spot and help treat before ...

Is pinkeye contagious?


Recently, i've noticed that my inner ear has been very flaky and crusty. Is there any simple explanation for this and if so, is there a easy solution? Thanks so much!

Why would me ear be crusty on the inside?