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Why are women always the ones responsible for birth control?!??

By March 5, 2009 - 10:34am
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Yesterday I posted a SHARE about how Senator Jim DeMint is attempting to remove an "affordable birth control provision" from the 2009 Appropriations Bill. This is a very important issue, by the way, that we need to spread word about. https://www.empowher.com/community/share/take-action-now-restore-affordable-birth-control

So this got me thinking.... why is it that men aren't saying anything on this issue? At least I haven't heard any. Do men not care about whether the birth control pill is affordable or not? Why is it that it's always up to women to handle the birth control issue??

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Simple: The women get the fetus; the men get to watch -- if they stick around.

March 8, 2009 - 12:22pm
EmpowHER Guest

Speaking as a man, it's pretty close to what Alison said. We care. But it's a minefield that we've learned to stay away from.

Personally, my outlook on it is that reproduction is an asymmetrical situation, so both parties worry about different things.

March 6, 2009 - 5:09pm

Even though some men may genuinely care about women's health issues, there are still those who believe they have a right to tell us women what to do with our bodies. I don't know if it's a generational thing, or if men younger than my dad or grandad are also caught up in male supremacy.

Well, it took women a long time to get the right to vote. I wonder how long it will take us to get the right to make our own decisions about birth control without male "approval." I'm hoping it will happen in my daughter's lifetime.

March 5, 2009 - 5:10pm

I have the same thoughts you do, when I think of "all men" as the same who "don't care."

Then, when I think about my hubby, who I have first-hand knowledge that he genuinely cares, my answer changes: possibly (some/most) men are not weighing in on women's health issues, because it's kind of a darned-if-you-do, darned-if-you-don't for them. They are really between a rock and a hard place: if men did not agree with women on a particular women's health issue, then they would be told that their opinion doesn't really count, because how could a man possibly know what's best for women, anyways? And, if they are very opinionated and outspoken...then watch out! Honestly, they are probably feeling backed in a corner, and this is probably a one-sided issue, as there are not as many men's health advocacy groups as there are for women and other minorities.

So, some/many men may care, and feel that they are providing support by supporting the women who are supporting women's health publicly. ha ha--make sense?

March 5, 2009 - 3:20pm
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