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Whey healthy men loss the sexual felling with time ( when he became older , say 50 years and above ) ?

By June 8, 2010 - 3:15am
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Man with 57 years old , marred with 8 kids , workaholic , smoking no alcohol .healthy slightly diabetic ( 140-220 )

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Hello A-

There are many factors that affect sex drive and the sometimes separate issue of impotence. I'm not sure which we are talking about here, but I see several things even in your short note that could be issues.

As men age, their testosterone levels tend to drop, just as women's hormone levels drop. That can mean a decreased sex drive. Also, working too much combined with 8 children probably means he is feeling a fair amount of stress, and stress is shown to decrease sex drive as well.

Diabetics can have problems with blood flow, so they sometimes have problems with impotence. That may result in failure to get an erection, or inability to maintain an erection.

With these factors in play, I suggest he have a checkup with his doctor to discuss the situation, because a sudden decrease in sex drive or new onset impotence can indicate a medical problem, especially knowing he is diabetic. It is worth getting him checked out just to be sure everything is okay. It's a touchy subject, but if he has impotence he needs to tell the doctor so the doc knows what to look for.

There may be emotional issues here as well, but you didn't say much about the relationship. My first concern would be to get a physical, especially if there is a blood flow issue.

We get questions like yours pretty regularly, maybe seeing other's thoughts will help you as well: https://www.empowher.com/relationships-family/sex-relationships and https://www.empowher.com/condition/sexual-well-being.

Good luck to you both.

June 8, 2010 - 6:50am
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