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Sexual hygiene

By Anonymous January 30, 2017 - 9:27am
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I touched my partners penis and I got precm/semen on my hands. I wiped the wetness off and straight away touched my phone. I then (stupidly) went to a public place without washing my hands, which had people of all age groups around as well as children and babies. I'm concerned that I've passed on some sort of illness of disease that's serious to other people. Many other people have touched my phone (which I grabbed after sexual activity) small children were playing games on my phone and straight away after had there lunch and ate with their hands. I know this is a weird question I just feel worried that I've put someone in danger. Can penises/precm/semen carry harmful illnesses OTHER THAN STDS? My partner had never had sexual activity with anyone but me and I have been tested for STDs and I'm clean. Please help me I don't know what to do.

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER. I am glad you reached out to our community with your concern.

You wiped away any possible semen or pre ejaculate fluid by the time you touched your phone.

You did not put any one at risk. STDs are transmitted from an infected person to sexual partner through oral, anal and vaginal intercourse.


January 30, 2017 - 9:48am
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