I don't think I could be a surrogate for anyone because I know I'd grow attached even if I was in no way biologically connected to the child. Carrying a child is so intimate for me! But many ...

Would you be a surrogate for a childless person? Would you use a surrogate?


Do you think universal health care should be part of our way of life, as it is in many other countries? Will it work? Why or why not? I believe it can and would work. Our taxes will not be ...

Do you think America should have Universal Healthcare? Why? Why not?


As I write this, The Learning Channel (TLC) is running a series of stories on mystery diagnoses. The story of a woman who suffered with a long list of painful conditions since childhood, until an ...

Annefleur commented on alysiak's post Not a Dry Eye in the House - Except Yours? Sjogren's Syndrome: Mystery Disease


Is there a recommended amount of daily outdoor activity/exercise that children should have every day? With winter just a couple of months off, I try to have my kids outdoors a lot to make up for ...

How much outdoor activity do children need?


Women come in all shapes, sizes, wants, needs, desires and walk many different paths. And thanks heavens for that! I'm wondering what makes you feel feminine? What makes you feel like you are a ...

What makes you feel feminine?


Why do eyes twitch? My left eye has been twitching on and off for the last two months and I have no idea why. It feels fine, no discharges or weird colors and I am seeing fine and it twitches when ...

Annefleur commented on Annefleur's post Why is my eye twitching?


Why do eyes twitch? My left eye has been twitching on and off for the last two months and I have no idea why. It feels fine, no discharges or weird colors and I am seeing fine and it twitches when ...

Why is my eye twitching?


A part of me feels like I must be crazy but here it is - I plan to give my child a cell phone when he starts kindergarten next year. Most people think I'm a little loopy but it's for his ...

Am I mad? Giving my Kindergartner a cell phone?


I was chatting with a friend (a fellow mother) the other day and she mentioned how scary it is to let your children sleep over somewhere for the first time. Neither of us have children even close ...

Guns and Kids- How Safe Is Your House?


(CBS/AP) The Atkins diet may have proved itself after all: A low-carb diet and a Mediterranean-style regimen helped people lose more weight than a traditional low-fat diet in one of the longest ...

Annefleur commented on alysiak's post Duel of the Diets: Low-Carb Wins vs Low-Fat


I am seeing and hearing a lot about ear candling, and have seen this service advertised in beauty salons! Som people love it and claim to feel better after having it done. Ear candling is ...

Have you heard of Ear Candling? Is it safe?


Guess teachers have now received some training to attend to students who have medical needs. "During the past two school years, teacher Julia Keyse had to enforce an unusual rule in her ...

Annefleur commented on Tina Tran's post Teachers Becoming Nurses As Schools Get Squeezed


I'm wondering if anyone has ever done one of those body detox programs like the Master Cleanse? It's with lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper and water. Sounds horrible but apparently it ...

Do body cleansers/detox work?


I'm wondering what constitutes verbal abuse? I have a friend who has arguments with her long-term boyfriend that usually involve name-calling. Not low-down horrible names but more like ...

What exactly is Verbal Abuse?


USA Today article said that people who are on diets and write down everything they eat lose TWICE as much weight than those who don't keep a "food diary". This is according to a new research ...

Annefleur commented on Connie555's post Do you keep a food diary?


NPR has a great multimedia presentation on different countries and their approaches to healthcare. The presentation boasts a pretty cool tool that allows you to evaluate life expectancy based on ...

Annefleur commented on dragonfly's post Health Care for All


I have melasma, or what is sometimes called 'mask of pregnancy' or 'pregnancy mask'. I got it in my third pregnancy and my OB/GYN told me it would probably go once I gave birth. 'Probably' ...

What is a Pregnancy Mask?


Tina's post about depression being exacerbated by certain medications got me wondering about the so-called natural anti-depressants like Sam-e and St. John's Wart. Many doctors advice ...

Have you taken 'natural' anti-depressants like SAM-e or St. John's Wart?


I know calcium is vital to women's health but I'm a bit confused as to what kind of calcium suppliment I should take, since there are different kinds. There is "chelated calcium" and "elemental ...

Women and calcium suppliments - how much and what kind?


Apparently it can. Pollution, smoking, poverty and pollen counts all matter when it comes to asthma. This is why, no matter how we feel about global warming, a healthy planet earth is vital ...

Can where you live give or exacerbate asthma?


I'd like to have my teeth professionally whitened in the next year. I'm wondering if anyone has had good results and what the cost was? I have heard that the Zoom technique works but is really ...

Annefleur commented on Annefleur's post Has anyone had their teeth professionally whitened at the dentist's office?


I'd like to have my teeth professionally whitened in the next year. I'm wondering if anyone has had good results and what the cost was? I have heard that the Zoom technique works but is really ...

Has anyone had their teeth professionally whitened at the dentist's office?


I was talking to someone recently who said that beer or soda was ok because it was just 'empty calories' and didn't matter as much since there is not a whole lot of fat invloved. However, I know ...

Annefleur commented on Annefleur's post What exactly are 'empty calories'? Are there good calories Vs bad calories?


I was talking to someone recently who said that beer or soda was ok because it was just 'empty calories' and didn't matter as much since there is not a whole lot of fat invloved. However, I know ...

What exactly are 'empty calories'? Are there good calories Vs bad calories?


In 1995 after over eight years of being on the San Francisco Medical Center Transplant waiting list, a call came in at 2 am and I was told to get down to San Francisco, they had a liver transplant ...

Annefleur commented on sweetsara's post A marriage that survived and are both living with transplants


Things that make you go.....euuw. Henry Reid (former director of UCLA's cadaver program) and a business man, Ernest Nelson, have both been indicted in a Los Angeles court on charges that they ...

Two men indicted in black market sales of human body parts


It all started with the Personal Healthcare Journal for Seniors. My mother-in-law sees five different healthcare providers and was having trouble remembering who said what. After much research ...

Annefleur commented on icaregirl's post Medications -- Do you know your loved one's meds?


This story fascinates me. Jill Price remembers every single second of her life as if it just happened. Every show she has seen on television, every word she has said, every action she has ever ...

Would you want to remember every second of you life as if it had just happened?


I think many women have at least tried diet pills. I made the mistake of trying Alli and spent a lot of money on a bottle and the side effects...let's say I stopped straight away and lost my ...

Have you tried Diet Pills?


Hello, I justed wanted to say how excited I am to have found this online community! I look forward to hearing people's stories and experiences and sharing mine. Name/Nickname/Username: ...

Annefleur commented on cherylbiernacki's post Hi everyone!


I'm wondering about medical marijuana and the complications it can give patients waiting for transplants. Doctors believe that medical marijuana may relieve pain, and increase appetite, amongst ...

What are your thoughts about Medical Marijuana? And the dangers?


We've all been told that our children may be the first generation to NOT outlive their parents but the life span of the average American is decreasing anyway! Especially those living in the ...

Harvard University: Life Span of Americans is decreasing


This event has already happened, but it's still cool. Every year, there's a very special bra fashion show and auction for the Breast Cancer Resource Center in Austin, TX. Some of the artistic ...

Annefleur commented on samiam's post Bold Bras for Breast Cancer Resource Center


Hi I am wondering if you all have living wills (advanced directives)? These are specific and enforceable instructions on what to do if you get seriously ill and are unable to tell family or ...

Do all you women out there have a Living Will?


When asked about the effects of smoking, the question usually refers to how smoking is detrimental to our lungs, throat or mouth. Did you know that cigarettes effect every organ, nerve, muscle, ...

Annefleur commented on Alison Beaver's post Cigarettes: Mind Over Matter? (Effects of Smoking on the Brain)


Why swallow down pills when you can eat instead? Turns out there are a host of great spices out there can help with everything from memory to belly aches. This article not only lists the ...

Annefleur commented on dragonfly's post Healthy Spices


As we all know, Mother’s Day is only a few weeks away and it always makes me somewhat reflective. This time of year, I tend to recall the lessons my mother has instilled in me and am very thankful ...

Annefleur commented on Tina Tran's post A Truly Strong Woman


That's an interesting news story on the site today about skin cancer and being extra careful about your lips, since lip gloss can attract dangerous rays that can cause skin cancer. I just want ...

Annefleur commented on Optimist's post Don't forget about your ears!


I have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed over 15 years ago and have since been taking various doses of synthroid. I've been told over the years that I can't ever get off of my meds b/c I've trained ...

Annefleur commented on betha's post hypothyroid woes


Hi - I was reading an article in the New York Times about Peter Walsh, a professional organiser who found a direct link between clutter-filled homes and people with weight problems. In other ...

Did you know that having clutter in your home can make you fat?


Since Cynthia Nixon just talked about her breast cancer (I believe detected by a mammogram in her very early 40s) as well as Cheryl Crow and Melissa Etheridge also in their early 40s. Kylie ...

Should we be getting mammograms earlier than currently recommended?


Earlier this week, a bill -- known as Steven's Law -- was signed into law by Arizona's governor. The bill would require insurance companies in the state to provide coverage for autism treatment. ...

Annefleur commented on Tina Tran's post Autism Bill Passes in Arizona


Are you involved in an exercise program that is working? Have you tried an exercise program but you're still not seeing results? Share your stories.

Annefleur commented on EmpowHER's post Exercise and fitness


There are now tests you can take to see if you are at risk for Alzheimer's. I took one such test and was found to be at 'moderate risk' although I did say I had a relative with it but she got ...

Taking the Test for Alzheimer's


Recent discussions by prescription-users suggests that generic prescription drugs *may not* be as effective as the brand name drugs prescribed by your doctor. Most of the time, the switch from ...

Annefleur commented on Alison Beaver's post Rx: Generics Just as Good as Brand Name?


These restaurants are supposed to have some of the healthiest meals around. Which restaurants do you think have meals that you would consider healthy?

Annefleur commented on Tina Tran's post Favorite Healthy Meals When Dining Out


When we talk about "eating disorders", we are typically talking about specific illnesses that are clinically-diagnosable. When we talk about "disordered eating", we are referring to a large ...

Annefleur commented on Alison Beaver's post What is "Normal" Eating?


Here's an article from the New York Times that says the benefits of stretching are iffy. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/13/health/nutrition/13Best.html?_r=1&oref=slogin This killed me because I ...

Annefleur commented on Tina Tran's post To stretch or not to stretch


Found this story on CNN this morning ... NEW YORK (CNN) -- It's been a year since the parents of a severely disabled child made public their decision to submit their daughter to a ...

Annefleur commented on Tina Tran's post Disabled girl's parents defend growth-stunting treatment


Here's an interesting story out of Europe ... Parents may be jailed over vaccinations. Do you agree with this? Should the government be able to control the health of its citizens? Should parents ...

Annefleur commented on Tina Tran's post Should Parents Be Jailed If They Don't Vaccinate Their Children?