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Sex with an Uncircumcised Man

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I’ll be honest; I had to do a lot of research before sitting down to write this article. I have only come into contact with one uncircumcised penis during my short stint as a single adult woman, and it didn’t really seem to be that big of a deal at the time.

However, when it comes to uncircumcised (commonly spelled "uncercumsized") penises, there’s more than meets the eye . Approximately 50% of men are “uncut,” which is really how the penis is meant to be in the first place (not many men outside the United States are circumcised). Circumcision originated among ancient religious populations as a way to purify man by removing the source of his sexual pleasure. This tradition has held its ground into the 21st century, which can lead to quite a bit of confusion when a woman unexpectedly comes into contact with a penis au naturale.

It may surprise you to learn that the foreskin itself, before it is separated from its owner, is extremely sensitive to pleasure. During circumcision two very important things are removed that will never grow back: the frenulum, the band near the tip of the penis that connects the foreskin with the glans, and then of course, the foreskin and all the nerve endings that go along with it.

Not only are these sources of pleasure eliminated during circumcision, but the shaft of the penis is left unprotected and slowly loses its responsiveness through a process called keratinization. In an article published in Fathering Magazine, Rio Cruz explains that “the male glans and inner foreskin, just like the clitoris and inner labia of women, are actually internal structures covered by mucous membrane that, when exposed to the air and harsh environment through circumcision, develop a tough, dry covering to protect the delicate, sensitive tissue.”

The main difference in having sex with an uncircumcised penis is that the foreskin acts as a glider of sorts, and it stays in place while the glans and shaft continue to thrust. This leads to less friction in the vagina and thus a more pleasurable experience for the female. For circumcised men who are experiencing gradual loss of sensation throughout the course of their lifetime, there actually is a process of foreskin restoration that involves the use of tape and weights (?).

So when all is said and done, you (and your partner) are actually likely to have much better sex with a penis that is uncircumcised. If you’re performing oral sex and looking for tips, just focus your efforts on the ridge just below the glans and use your hand to help the foreskin go with the flow. That's all there is to it!

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Woah, calm down guys! You don't need to defend so vehemently....We are commmonly taught in the west that femal circumcision is a brutal act. I have seen pictures of female genetalia cut off with a piece of rock and heard interviews by women talking about their pain and how they were forced to have this done when they were young girls. I can understand that this is not always the case.
My boyfriend was circumcised in a hospital when he was a new born and feels fine about it, as were many of my male friends.
I don't see how it matters to any of you gung-ho men out there who I prefer to sleep with. I live in a country where most of the men my age have been circumcised and any I asked about it felt ok about it.
It's not like I asked them to get it done.
I am happy for you with your uncircumcised members...good for you.
I just made a slightly more light hearted comment.

I feel you doth protest too much...

April 1, 2010 - 10:26am
(reply to rlyons)

Let's compare apples with apples. 90 boys died of tribal circumcision in Eastern Cape province, South Africa, last year. Three are currently in hospital with gangrenous penises (I think that means they will probably have to come off). It's just come to light that there have been nine penile amputations in the last few weeks. And in the US in 1959, a doctor developed a new technique for female circumcision (in the strict sense, removal of the clitoral hood) and a new device for doing it, based on a ViceGrip pliers. Both operations have tribal/dangerous and surgical/safe variants, yet their acceptability is divided strictly and sharply on the basis of sex.

"It's not like I asked them to get it done". It's not like anyone asked them. That's the problem. And many women do have their sons cut on the basis of what they prefer sexually. Some people have a passion for amputees, too, but we don't cut feet or hands of babies to cater to that passion.

June 11, 2010 - 3:40pm
(reply to rlyons)

Hon, your comments are wasted on these guys. They are wolves seeking someone to devour with their self-righteous views. Focus on a nice discussion where your opinion counts, that would be on just about every OTHER thread of discussion on this site. These men need to get off somewhere else. Feel free to email me, and yes, =====>sex IS better with a clean penis (why hide it in a yucky wrapper?)
I bet I get a gazillion comments from Frank and Robert on this one!

May 25, 2010 - 6:00am
(reply to rlyons)

"I can understand that this is not always the case."
Yes, this is a misperception of those who fight the practice in this country. This was an easy misperception because the practice is so uncommon here that few have any experience with it at all. The truth is this is done either by midwives or by physicians. Midwives perform the service typically in the home or in storefront settings while physicians operate in medical offices.

"I live in a country where most of the men my age have been circumcised and any I asked about it felt ok about it."
I see this often in this discussion and I find it troubling. I've been divorced longer than many here have been walking this earth and I live in an area with lots of singles and I've taken way more than my share of "The available fruits." Not once in all those years has any woman asked me about my circumcision or even brought up the issue at all. How is it that you've discussed this intimate subject with so many men?

"I feel you doth protest too much..."
Would you say the same thing to a woman who protested her circumcision?"

"Well it would really help him to go about life being all angry about it! PULEEZE!"
Does it help the women who have been circumcised to protest it and be angry about it? If so, why is there a difference?

"Take a valium. I am not returning to your aggressive and angry postings."
Would you say the same thing to a woman? Why not? Would you abandon the discussion if we were all women who had been circumcised or would you offer them consolation? Why?

"What is the point of a man who is already circumcised and happy with his sex life to be going about the world in a hissy fit? My boyfriend is happy."
Why should a woman who has been circumcised benefit from fighting the practice? In areas where the practice is common, up to 90% agree with and support the practice and are happy they were circumcised. Clearly they are happy but should they all be happy because 90% are happy?

April 1, 2010 - 5:42pm
(reply to Frank OHara)

You guessed 90% are happy, but you are wrong..




This survey indicated there are 52 million men in the US that are dissatisfied with their circumcision. This number almost exactly duplicates a study in Journeyman in 1992. It must be fairly accurate.

192 respondents (average age 44 years,85% circumcised

circumcised intact
Satisfied 38% 78%
Dissatisfied 20% 3%
Ambivalent 41% 17%

April 2, 2010 - 5:58am
(reply to rlyons)

He feels just fine?

Is he aware that he has lost up to 3/4 of his sensation and sensitivity, or is he simply ignorant of the harm done to him--or worse yet, in denial of this harm to protect his ego?

it matter to us simply because your indoctrinated "preference" is an attitude that allows this victimization of males.
Perhaps that light-hearted comment based on abject ignorance is hardly amusing to those of us who are NOT ignorant of the harm by this idiotic procedures.

Ignorance is bliss, denial is divine, and CHOSEN ignorance is a religious experience.

Me thinks thou defendeth and dismissith too much.

April 1, 2010 - 10:48am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to rlyons)

look up Identifying with the Aggressor.

Nobody should feel fine that they had their genitals mutilated. Culture or not, it's not someone elses right.

Cut off enough peoples arms at brith and they'll be fine with it too. As long as they are constantly told that it's normal and they aren't missing anything and everyone else is missing an arm too.

The complacency this country has in mutilating it's own children at birth should be protested against. it's a disgusting child abuse that has no place in Modern America.

April 1, 2010 - 10:40am
EmpowHER Guest

What separates one from the other is we have been trained by our culture to reject one and accept the other. Just as male circumcision is accepted here, female circumcision is accepted in those areas that practice it. Just like there are males that stridently defend their circumcisions here, there are females that stridently defend their circumcision in Africa and parts of Asia.


April 1, 2010 - 6:23am

It seems you are playing the female circumcision myths card..
Perhaps you might actually research it a bit more?
Circumcised females actually do "enjoy" sex and have orgasms:

Journal reference: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (vol 109, p 1089)

"Female circumcision does not reduce sexual activity
12:30 24 September 2002
NewScientist.com news service
Emma Young

Circumcised women experience sexual arousal and orgasm as frequently as uncircumcised women, according to a study in Nigeria. ..."

AS for this "piece of outside skin" in male circumcision..
it seems you are woefully ignorant on the anatomy of the male prepuce:


The male prepuce is a complex structure comprising the majority of the penile nerves (all of which are very specialized--this results in a loss of up to 3/4 of a man's sensations and sensitivity:


Fine-Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis l


"Analysis of results showed the glans of the uncircumcised men had significantly lower thresholds than that of circumcised men (P = 0.040). There were also significant differences in pressure thresholds by location on the penis (p < 0.0001). The most sensitive location on the circumcised penis was the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. It was remarkable that five locations on the uncircumcised penis that are routinely removed at circumcision had lower pressure thresholds that the ventral scar of the circumcised penis.

This study suggests that the transitional region from the external to the internal prepuce is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis. It appears that circumcision ablates the most sensitive parts of the penis."


"A new study in the British Journal of Urology International shows that men with normal, intact penises enjoy more sexual sensitivity — as much as four times more — than those who have been circumcised. Circumcising slices off more of a male's sensitivity than is normally present in all ten fingertips. "

As for this: "It is SO not the same.
Female circumcision is about male dominance over women. You can hardly say the same thing about removing the foreskin!"

So with this evidence, yes, I can say this!

Likewise, If I say circumcised female sex is "perfect" for me, would this justify circumcisinf females?

BTW, you might wish to actually research the various forms of FGM and MGM--you might be shocked to find that for every form of FGM, there is a worse form of MGM. Just something to think about.

To me the way to empower women is to give them factual and scientific information so they can make intelligent and educated decisions--for themselves, and their children.

April 1, 2010 - 6:22am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Robert)

I think this is just about the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard - orgasms are not biologically possible without a clitoris. get your facts straight and then piss off!

December 15, 2012 - 3:14pm
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