Listen to sexual health expert Dr. Irwin Goldstein from San Diego Sexual Medicine at Alvarado Hospital discuss the sexual health issues created by hysterectomies.
Dr. Goldstein:
Women who have had complete hysterectomies will complain of changes in sexual function commonly. Interestingly enough, if the complete hysterectomy is indicated because of dramatic bleeding, because of anemia, because of cramping and just a miserable life with uncontrolled menses and spasms, the complete hysterectomy actually improves sexual function, offers the woman the opportunity to have time to have sex, but there are other complaints.
Sometimes women have complete hysterectomy, have much worse sexual interest, in particular much more dryness of the vagina, hot sweats and night flashes interfering with the sexual experience, much less arousal, interest, loss of orgasm, even pain, new onset pain because of dryness and other issues. So complete hysterectomy is not free of sexual overtones, sometimes better and sometimes worse.
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