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7 Easy Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Dementia

By EmpowHER
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Turn the TV Off & Exercise

Dr. Friedland notes, “TV represents an activity which is often not intellectual, and is not physical except when changing the channels.” Moderate physical activity, like a daily, leisurely 30 minute walk, may reduce vascular dementia among the elderly. Vascular dementia is associated with decreased blood flow to the brain and is the second most common variation of memory loss.

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EmpowHER Guest

Though I don't believe in labeling people, there is a need to teach others how to handle brain disfunction, impaired abilities due to aging. This article is a very good summarization to serve as guidance. There are social implications not mentioned here, but the ideas expressed by the author, at the very least, serve as a good foundation to generate purposeful dialogue among families and in open public forums.

April 7, 2015 - 1:10am
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