I had a operation on lungoduals were cancer. They were not . But had many complications after. First small holes in lungs . removed chest tube and still had fluid. Went home and fluid poured through chest tube hole. went to nearest hospital sewed hole up and went back to surgeon in two days he said everything was alright did not have to come back even though I was very short of breath. I told him fluid was pouring out from chest tube hole and he said oh no it was'not. I was mad that he was be littling my concerns. that a thursday. Was back at hospital Saturday with tension Pneumothoracrx upset with surgeon I could have died.
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Add a Comment1 Comments
I am so sorry to hear about your ordeal. Thankfully, you were finally properly treated on your last trip back to the hospital. Thank you for sharing your experience and raising our awareness.
January 13, 2012 - 5:52pmThis Comment