HI..I am 52 yr old female. I sit at a desk all day but walk 3 miles a day for the past 2 years. I am not overweight. Both hips aches in the day AND The night. More so on my right side. I bought a new mattress, that didnt help. I get up and take breaks from my desk and also change positions..no help. I bought an ergonomic chair..no help. I have no leg or back, neck issues at all. This hurts every day, sometimes I get body aches when damp out. Pls note that I had active Lyme disease Fall 2009- April 2010 before diagnoses and antibiotics. July 2010 diagnosed with Epstein-Barr..mono. Fall 2010 I was told I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but I feel its all related to the Lyme and mono as I never had ANY of these isues before. I still get sever bouts of fatigue and chills and lose 4 days a month of my life over this. My hips started hurting while I had active Lyme and it never went away.Used to have pain in shoulder blades but after a year that is finally gone.Not sure if Hip pain is related or not but it aches daily and doesnt feel better with movement..stays the same. Thanks for any replies..
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I have no idea how I got lyme disease but it is painful and annoying they put more on antibiotics for 21 days. I was having bad back pains I was also fatigue and tired, my neck was hurting, I had bad joint pains, groin pains, and hip pain all way down to my knee and legs. My arm felt so bad I went to the emergency room thinking it might be a heart attack or blood clot. Now my hip hurts alot. Hopefully these antibiotics help and I start feeling better cause this is insane. I feel like I can't do anything and I am a very active person. Damn ticks man. Really!!!!!
October 22, 2012 - 2:01amThis Comment
Hi There,
October 27, 2011 - 8:57pmWow, your story sounds so much like mine!
I have Lyme disease & am going through treatment. My Lyme was not diagnosed for two years, so now I am being treated for Chronic Lyme disease.
I to had the diagnoses of chronic fatigue & mono (before my Lyme diagnoses) Later when I found out I had Lyme disease, I was told that Lyme brings a persons immune system down so much that he or she will catch just about anything.
Because my Lyme is Chronic, I have to treat for 1.5 years. I have spoken with several Lyme patients who have relapsed after their initial therapy, only to find out that they didn't treat long enough to kill all of the lyme bacteria.
If I were in your shoes, I would go back to your Lyme doctor. Most Lyme patients suggest seeing a LLMD (lyme literate medical doctor) so if you didn't the first time, look for an LLMD in your area. I switched to an LLMD and the difference in treatment is like night and day :)
My hips hurt all of the time too! Lyme can cause severe joint pain & arthritis. It seems that a lot of Lyme patients that I've spoken with complain about their hips too.
I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, or need help finding an LLMD, please let me know. My local Lyme Association helped me find my doc.
Good Luck :)
Erica Larson
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I have no idea how I got lyme disease but it is painful and annoying they put more on antibiotics for 21 days. I was having bad back pains I was also fatigue and tired, my neck was hurting, I had bad joint pains, groin pains, and hip pain all way down to my knee and legs. My arm felt so bad I went to the emergency room thinking it might be a heart attack or blood clot. Now my hip hurts alot. Hopefully these antibiotics help and I start feeling better cause this is insane. I feel like I can't do anything and I am a very active person. Fucking ticks man. Really!!!!!
October 22, 2012 - 2:00amThis Comment
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your question and welcome to EmpowHer.
I am sorry that you have been dealing with this pain for so long. Have you talked to your physician about the pain? What did they say?
There are many different things that may cause muscle/leg pain which can be associated to neck, back, etc. issues. Also in reference to your Lyme Disease, it is common to have problems with the nervous system and therefore this could be the root cause but I can only help try to track down an answer for you….seeing your physician would certainly be necessary for a diagnosis.
Can you please keep us updated?
March 27, 2011 - 2:54pmThank you,
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