I have no idea how I got lyme disease but it is painful and annoying they put more on antibiotics for 21 days. I was having bad back pains I was also fatigue and tired, my neck was hurting, I had bad joint pains, groin pains, and hip pain all way down to my knee and legs. My arm felt so bad I went to the emergency room thinking it might be a heart attack or blood clot. Now my hip hurts alot. Hopefully these antibiotics help and I start feeling better cause this is insane. I feel like I can't do anything and I am a very active person. Fucking ticks man. Really!!!!!
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I have no idea how I got lyme disease but it is painful and annoying they put more on antibiotics for 21 days. I was having bad back pains I was also fatigue and tired, my neck was hurting, I had bad joint pains, groin pains, and hip pain all way down to my knee and legs. My arm felt so bad I went to the emergency room thinking it might be a heart attack or blood clot. Now my hip hurts alot. Hopefully these antibiotics help and I start feeling better cause this is insane. I feel like I can't do anything and I am a very active person. Fucking ticks man. Really!!!!!
October 22, 2012 - 2:00amThis Comment