I have been diagnosed with trich three months ago. The first STI I have ever had and will be only. I was prescribed Flagyl to take for seven days, and it killed the infection. However, I was still having lower cramps that prompted me to go back to the gynecologist. She swabbed me and diagnosed me with m.hominis infection. The pains went away for some time but came back within days. I thought maybe I had a UTI because the cramps would also go towards my lower back. I was given medicine for a UTI but the symptoms still persisted. I decided to go to the ER. The nurse swabbed me for every STI including BV and yeast. I was negative. She noticed that my cervics was really inflammed. She gave me a shot of doxy just in case the infection wouldn't spread to the pelvis and cause PID. She then prescirbed me flagyl to take for 7 days. She said that she believes that it is caused by a bacteria that the ER is not able to test for. The infection has now cleared and I only experience mild symptoms. I am still awaiting results from the gyno regarding this issue.
I was also having yellowish and greenish discharge that has cleared
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Hello Anon
Thank you for writing.
Yellow/green discharge is common with Trich or other STI's. It sounds like you had a rather awful case of Trich (which is one of the nastiest infections to get but at least it's curable, if trying to look for a bright side). Trich is usually cleared up with one session of medication but not for all women. They need a second dose. If this was the case with you, then this is why it has taken so long to treat. Since you are now getting better, you should be back to normal within the next week. Your gynecologist can tell you more when your results are back.
August 24, 2017 - 1:03pmBest,
This Comment
Hi, I tested negative for trich two times after the medicine. Is it possible that the test can be a false negative
August 24, 2017 - 1:25pmThis Comment