My sister and I were on the internet last night and came across some interesting websites...
The one that stood out most was a discussion board commenting on how urine is the best way to clear your face… Of course my sister and I were laughing like crazy. I mean, who is putting URINE on their face. People were explaining how urine took the redness out of their face, shrunk their pores, and made their skin glow. They claimed the results only took a few days.
As we were reading some of the comments we also found out there are many books out there discussing Urine Therapy. One book went into detail on how to apply this therapy to your face. READY LADIES !! First start with a clean face. Take a cotton ball ,pee on it… Then dab it on your face, wait 10 minutes then wash it off… Most of the comments were anonymous, after all who would tell anybody they were using urine therapy to clear up their acne?
So my question to you is , have you ever heard this before and would you think about using it? It Is Free !
P.S. I’m Going To TRY To Get Somebody In My Family To Try It. LOL.
As For Me, I Will Just Keep On Using Proactive.
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Add a Comment58 Comments
Yes, I do. Simply wash yourself first so there is no blood. You won't get any blood on yourself because your urine and your me trial blood come out of two entirely different holes. As long as you wash it first you should be fine.
January 26, 2015 - 5:15pmThis Comment
There is kind of black black point in my whole face. So, is there any proof that this kind of black black pigment will go from my face. If it work than sure am gonna try it. Please suggest me for this, because i just don't like my face of this all black point. It's not an acne nor a pimple .
March 12, 2013 - 8:29pmThis Comment
it really works ....my whiteheads just faded in 7 days..
November 27, 2012 - 11:09amThis Comment
It doesn't hurt to try... and if it works you have a lot of extra money in your pocket and a look you could be confident about.
November 21, 2012 - 2:44pmThis Comment
Urine is 95% water and is considered sterile when using the clean catch method. Cleanse the area thoroughly and dry it before urinating. Begin to urinate then catch some clean urine in a container, cotton ball, etc. urine should be free of glucose, large proteins, bacteria, and ketones. Unless you have an infection (bacteria) are diabetic (ketones & glucose) Atkins dieting or crash dieting (ketones) there should be no negative side effects of applying urine to your skin if you're a healthy individual. Will there be positive results? That's for each of us to find out on our own. Also the amount of water you consume will not effect the sterility of the urine, it will just be more concentrated. Also I don't recommend storing the urine because as it sits it becomes more concentrated and has the potential to harbor bacteria. I just tried the UT.. Will update.
All info is from my own knowledge from being a nurse. Hope everyone has some luck with this method!
November 5, 2012 - 5:47pmThis Comment
Hi, I'm about to try the UT. Doing some research I read that stored up urine is good for about 4-8days, this way its more concentrated and effective. What do you think? Since u are a nurse
February 18, 2013 - 5:19pmThis Comment
I have bad acne and to be honest I'm not too sure about using my own urine it's kind of weird. I think I'll just stick to Noxzema it's cheap and it does wonders for my skin. But if you choose to use your own urine then by all means do so it's just not for me. Sorry!
August 20, 2012 - 11:57pmThis Comment
This actually works plus it's waaayyyy cheaper than the proactive you're using!! I've been using it for a few days and I already see results!! seriously don't judge until you try it, you never know unless you try something for yourself!
May 30, 2012 - 11:05pmThis Comment
I am 23 years old and I've been breaking out severely for the past 6 months. I blamed it on hormonal change because I eat very healthy. Any ways I'm still breaking out I have tried everything even sulfur homeopathic medicine does not work well. So I've been trying urine therapy for 3 days now and I am seeing a difference. The inflammation is lowering in my forehead, blackhead in my nose are coming out, its lowering the redness and my pores are getting tighter. I'm starting to see some parts of my forehead clear and tighter then before. I will definetly continue to do the urine therapy but I wont tell ANYBODY lol. Who cares if you put pee on your face no one has to know and you'll have an awesome skin secret. : )
April 18, 2012 - 7:50amThis Comment
Iwould not dp it , consider drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar every day and apply it to your face troughout the night ! It really works!
December 30, 2011 - 11:20pmThis Comment