My sister and I were on the internet last night and came across some interesting websites...
The one that stood out most was a discussion board commenting on how urine is the best way to clear your face… Of course my sister and I were laughing like crazy. I mean, who is putting URINE on their face. People were explaining how urine took the redness out of their face, shrunk their pores, and made their skin glow. They claimed the results only took a few days.
As we were reading some of the comments we also found out there are many books out there discussing Urine Therapy. One book went into detail on how to apply this therapy to your face. READY LADIES !! First start with a clean face. Take a cotton ball ,pee on it… Then dab it on your face, wait 10 minutes then wash it off… Most of the comments were anonymous, after all who would tell anybody they were using urine therapy to clear up their acne?
So my question to you is , have you ever heard this before and would you think about using it? It Is Free !
P.S. I’m Going To TRY To Get Somebody In My Family To Try It. LOL.
As For Me, I Will Just Keep On Using Proactive.
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Spotted skin, scars and acne marks make you feel embarrassed and hurt self-esteem as well. Many of us opt for cosmetics and other products to get rid of acne residues. There are many home remedies which have proven their effects on lightening these skin marks. Tomato and Lemon Juice: Take a “fresh tomato” and make its paste. Mix it well with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the paste on face for around 20 minutes and rinse it off gently with water after 20 minutes. Pulp of Aloe Vera: Let the pulp from Aloe Vera dry for 5 minutes in sun. Add 6-8 drops of lemon juice to it and apply on the affected area and face for 15 minutes. Onions: Cut the onion into small pieces. Grind those pieces and separate the juice from the residue. Apply the juice for few minutes on the affected skin and rinse after 10 minutes. Cucumber and Milk: Make a paste out of cucumber, milk and a bit of lime extract. It will serve as a face mask. Apply thoroughly and wash it with warm water after 10 minutes. You must consider a visit to dermatologist in severity of the condition. But, these home remedies are proven effective in getting rid of acne marks, black spots, pimples and dark spots.
November 22, 2016 - 1:03pmThis Comment
In this urine therapy, any midstream of urine of a day can be applied on acne or only midstream of morning pee?
November 4, 2015 - 10:32pmThis Comment
It says use the urine from first thing in the morning. And from what ive read you do it multiple times a day. If you use the pee from first thing in the morning how you you persever it? Or how does that work. Would you just leave it out?
June 17, 2015 - 9:47amThis Comment
August 23, 2015 - 7:47pmThis Comment
My 13 year old daughter, who is going through puberty, had several pimples on her forehead. Two days later they were gone aND her entire face looked brand new. I asked her what she did and after convincing her to tell me, she said she used urine.. it does work. Even some of the dark marks from prior pimples looked lighter.
May 24, 2015 - 12:59pmThis Comment
And for sure I will try this out! Theres no harm in trying anyway it's your own pee.
May 1, 2015 - 4:49amWho knows this will be the answer to our skin problems.
Will update you guys.
This Comment
YES! !! I have seen it work. A black lady I knew had black discolored blotches on her cheeks and she used her first strong morning urine on her face... peeing into a bowl and washing her whole face and leaving it on for 20 to 30 mins. Then doing it again with that same urine in the evening. Within 3 months her skin was clear. I saw this myself!!! I have white Caucasian skin and have age spots as im 42. I'm going to try it and see if it works.
February 8, 2015 - 10:44amThis Comment
I heard it from a black woman too and she had beautiful skin. It is only hard the first few times and then you wonder why you were worried. Its fine. It isn't smelly and it has iodine in it which I am seeing is really good for your skin. I do it.
April 13, 2015 - 7:43pmThis Comment
try to use eyerid serum which is help you to repair your skin and make your skin healthy.
January 27, 2015 - 10:14amThis Comment
If the urine is applied three times a day and isn't washed off will that improve results? Or should I wash it off instead of letting it marinate?
January 1, 2015 - 8:00amThis Comment