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Can i get pregnant without deep penetration?

By July 9, 2009 - 4:55am
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Hi, I'm 23 years old lady and I'm still a virgin. I have a bf and we've been together for more than 4 years. We never had 'real' penetration or sexual intercourse (saving it for the marriage). But today we made out and he only put his tip into me (only like half an inch to an inch) but did not cum in me. I am just a little concerned and went online to search for answers, and some people even mentioned that with what i've done, i'm actually not a virgin anymore! but no pain no blood flow happened.

Anyway, my question is, will i get pregnant this way? isit really true that if sperm was only near the vagina, i will get pregnant?

only supportive and real answers please.. i know i shud've used contraception, but it was our first time, and we didn't really planned for it to happen.


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EmpowHER Guest

hey i'm 20 and like exactly 30 hours ago me and my girl were having fun with each other,I was fingering her and she was playing with my penis,i don't know whether some of the pre cum(coz i touched it) have actually gotten into her while fingering?The thing is I never jerked off or came inside of her or her stomach!Just fingered her and she gave me a blow job and in the process,I don't know whether some of the pre cum may have gotten into my fingers while fingering her!Is she gonna get pregnant?Should I get her an emergency contraceptive pill?

March 4, 2012 - 11:08am
EmpowHER Guest

I have inserted my penis into my gf vagina once only and take out soon ..no ejaculation..no sex.., is there any chance of pregnancy ..
no blood was come and she is virgin still .. and tell me the very first sign of pregnancy before missed period ..bcz she & me too is very scared... as we are in good relationship ..and wants to not be a part of this bad effects...pls reply soon as possible ..

February 27, 2012 - 5:57am
(reply to Anonymous)

First, if you put your penis into her vagina, part way-half way-just an inch or all the way, then she is no longer a virgin.
Second, a woman does not have to bleed after sex to be or not be a virgin.
Third, YES there is a chance of pregnancy. Even though you did not ejaculate in, on or around the vagina, the penis secretes something people refere to as "pre cum" and that can contain sperm.
Early signs of pregnancy can be very similar to the signs a woman experiences when she is about to get her period. Such as bloating, breast changes, an increase in urination, an icky feeling... Your best bet for the two of you is to 1. USE CONDOMS, 2. For her to get on a reliable form of birth control. And 3. For the two of you to take/read/watch a reproductive class. Be responsible now because if your not, you WILL have to be when you do end up getting pregnant.

March 6, 2012 - 1:06pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Spidette)

She got their periods normally, and she told me that these symptoms were not there. it's the sign of no pregnancy now ?
Please tell me the links for the good videos as I have searched for it, but not found a better video with all the concepts. If you have a link then please tell me ..and thanks

March 8, 2012 - 4:13am
(reply to Anonymous)

Maybe the symptoms are from stress?? Pre-pregnancy and pre-period symptoms can be similar, so there is no way to know for sure unless she is late and takes a pregnancy test. Or she visits a doctor and a blood test is done.

Oh and on the educational classes, really? You can't learn correct information from the internet. Anyone can put information out on the Internet, and that doesn't make it correct information. Some information out there is good, while other information is horribly wrong. I am a nurse and I specialize in the woman's health and reproductive area, if you REALLY cannot get yourself to an in-person class I can speak with you via email. But your best bet is to make an appt with your local planned parenthood clinic. They can teach you about safe sex, give you condoms and help your gf get on birth control.

March 8, 2012 - 9:19am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi ma'am
I and my gf were together last night and done a little bit enjoyment,,i have no protection at that time,,I have not inserted my penis into her vagina..not even half.. is there any chance of pregnancy ..?
She feels a pain in her stomach from the morning and even feeling like a vomit.. pls tell me ASAP..

February 26, 2012 - 3:06pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Not ejaculated any sperm ..and not done any masturbation before ..

February 26, 2012 - 3:08pm
(reply to Anonymous)

You do not have to ejaculate to get a woman pregnant. The penis secrets "pre cum" normally in men, to help lubricate the tip, and this can contain sperm. Even if it is just 1 drop.

March 6, 2012 - 12:59pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi me and my boyfriend were fooling around the other day and he richer the tip to my vagina by never went in. I was not worried about anything but I am about a week late from my period a d now I am going crazy can someone liable please tell me what they think ,am I pregnant?

February 25, 2012 - 7:37am
(reply to Anonymous)

It does not matter if "the tip went in" or not. If his penis was anywhere near your vagina, then yes, you CAN get pregnant. Although your chances are less than actual intercourse with ejaculate in your vagina, it still is possible. You should get a pregnancy test to know for sure so you two can plan for the future.

March 6, 2012 - 12:56pm
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