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(reply to Anonymous)

First, if you put your penis into her vagina, part way-half way-just an inch or all the way, then she is no longer a virgin.
Second, a woman does not have to bleed after sex to be or not be a virgin.
Third, YES there is a chance of pregnancy. Even though you did not ejaculate in, on or around the vagina, the penis secretes something people refere to as "pre cum" and that can contain sperm.
Early signs of pregnancy can be very similar to the signs a woman experiences when she is about to get her period. Such as bloating, breast changes, an increase in urination, an icky feeling... Your best bet for the two of you is to 1. USE CONDOMS, 2. For her to get on a reliable form of birth control. And 3. For the two of you to take/read/watch a reproductive class. Be responsible now because if your not, you WILL have to be when you do end up getting pregnant.

March 6, 2012 - 1:06pm


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