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Can i get pregnant without deep penetration?

By July 9, 2009 - 4:55am
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Hi, I'm 23 years old lady and I'm still a virgin. I have a bf and we've been together for more than 4 years. We never had 'real' penetration or sexual intercourse (saving it for the marriage). But today we made out and he only put his tip into me (only like half an inch to an inch) but did not cum in me. I am just a little concerned and went online to search for answers, and some people even mentioned that with what i've done, i'm actually not a virgin anymore! but no pain no blood flow happened.

Anyway, my question is, will i get pregnant this way? isit really true that if sperm was only near the vagina, i will get pregnant?

only supportive and real answers please.. i know i shud've used contraception, but it was our first time, and we didn't really planned for it to happen.


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My girlfriend had her last period in early December (started around the 5th and ended around the 13th). On Dec 15th, we got overly passionate and I rubbed my condom-covered-penis on her vagina and her hymen broke but I didn't penetrate her and the condom didn't break. On January 9-13, we had sex almost daily - first starting off without a condom but then I remembered to put a condom on. Just to be sure that she isn't pregnant, I bought her Plan B one-step and she took it the evening of January 13th. We had protected sex today (15th) again. However, I took the condom off to check if I came in it yet and though I didn't see any semen/sperm, my penis was very well lubricated (wet?) even though it was in the condom. I inserted it a few more times into her but realized that it wasn't a good idea. When I took it out, I squeezed the head to see if I had any cum and sure enough, there was (what i think) pre-cum. I didn't go back inside her but I masturbated and aimed into a towel which overshot a little and some sperm/semen landed on her pubic hairs to the top-right of her labia majora. I wiped it off immediately in the direction away from her vagina and then she used soap and water to further rinse/wash it off. It's January and her scheduled period hasn't come yet - is this a cause for concern? Should I get her to take another 1.5g dose of Plan B or should I just get her to take a pregnancy test first? I really do care for her and we can't afford to have a child at this time (don't bash me, please).

Just to recap on what happened:
dec 5th-ish: her period starts right on schedule
dec 15th: protected "sex" (just rubbing till she came, etc) without penetration but her hymen broke
jan 9th-13th: penetration sex for ~20 seconds without condom, and then put condom on
jan 13th evening: she took plan b one-step
jan 14th: protected penetration sex
jan 15th: protected penetration sex at first, but took off condom and entered her a few times, then finished by jacking off into a towel but overshot and some cum landed on her pubic-hairs ~3-4cm from the top right of her labia majora.

Thank you for whatever help you're able to offer me. I'll keep on checking this message board in hopes of a response since this is the first time I use this site and I'm not sure if I'll get notifications to my email address.

January 15, 2012 - 8:15pm
EmpowHER Guest

yes u cen get pregnant even if a inch or inside orhalf of your bf's penis went and didnt pre ejaculate at all,
sometime due to pre ejaculation can make u a pregnant,

January 15, 2012 - 9:55am
EmpowHER Guest


January 14, 2012 - 5:45am

I hope you can help me. I'm so scared again. My boyfriend and I had sex on the 6th of this month, we used condom, but still I was afraid, so I took the next day pill on Sunday 8. Nothing happened the following days, after two days ago, on wednesday 11 we had sex again, twice. We used condom, and he cummed with the condom on the first time. he took it away, and then we took a hot shower after it, and we didn't use soup just hot water. After it, he wanted more, and we did it again, I placed another condom in his penis. We did it again and he didn't cum inside me. I'm scare with the change of the condom. I'm considering in taking the pill again, which I don't want to take because I already took it a week ago. My last period was on December 25th. What should I do? Should I take the pill? Can I be pregnant? I'm so scared. Thank you for taking your time with my concern. I will be so grateful. and I'm sorry if I interrupt you in any way, if I did so. I will be anxiously waiting for some answer. Thank you. Have a nice day.

January 13, 2012 - 11:43am
EmpowHER Guest

hi my boyfriend and i we were messing around and he started ejaculating and the there was sperm on hes penis and on hes stomach i put my vigina against hes penis and startd to rubb my vigina against hes penis.can i get pregnant?please answer me i need to know

January 13, 2012 - 6:32am
EmpowHER Guest

i love you

January 12, 2012 - 12:02pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello,,me and my boyfriend was like playing i had clothes on like jumper but it has a hole in the vagina, and my bf was wearing a t shirt.i also have panties on and im so wet. he just rubbed his penis for like 10 sec or less and His penis was still soft not hard, and when he just inserted the tip for like 5-8sec and removed it because i don't want to and i'm in pain. So he never came out nor pre-cum so he just lay down and start masturbating until 5-10 mins. the sperm went out in his bed not inside me. and he didint put all his penis just the tip and i have panty that time but very wet but im sure he didint ejaculte cause he's the one who masturbate to let the sperm out and it went on the bed. Can i get pregnant with this?? Everybody told me no.

January 8, 2012 - 10:12pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi me and my bf were fooling around yesterday and I gave him a "hand job". Afterwards a clear, but somehwat milky, substance came from his penis and he rubbed his penis on my vagina trying to put it in but it wouldnt fit so he only got like a very little bit of the tip in but barely. It was like not even 2 minutes, could i really get pregnant?
Also, if i am pregnant, the day after (today) i got up at 4 in the morning with a upset stomach, nausea, felt like i was going to puke, and sore nipples. Are these symptoms and can I get them even a day after fooling around?

January 8, 2012 - 9:44pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Someone please comment to my post ASAP with a good answer bc its important an im only 17
the comment "Hi me and my bf were fooling around yesterday..." Please thanks

January 9, 2012 - 12:41pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

the substance, there was only a very little bit like a 5 drops or 6 maybe...

January 8, 2012 - 9:48pm
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