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Bleeding after taking Next Choice

By Anonymous November 7, 2010 - 11:46pm
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So, I had sex right after my period ended (oct 30) and it was unprotected. I got a little paranoid (even though I think he did not came inside me) and took the next choice pill the next day.. followed all the instructions. but now, six days later i am bleeding seems like a menstruation. What is this? is this going to be menstruation for the month of November? My next due date is 21/22. Am I going to get my period by then? I am kind of freaking out. help please.

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EmpowHER Guest

So I took next choice one dose. 30 hrs after protected sex, with a scare, I took the next choice 3 days before my expected period. Today is 2 days past my expected period and 5 days since I took NC and I have started today what seems like a period. So I am wondering if this is really my period or only just a side effect from NC and there is a chance I could still be pregnant. I saw elsewhere on this thread that NC causes bleeding so could this be that rather than just a late period. It has acted like a normal with cramps and all. Bad cramps I even had to take Advil and I filled 2 pads so far today.

June 3, 2015 - 3:51pm
EmpowHER Guest

So I'm a littler over 2 months late from getting my yearly Pap smear. In 2013 I was diagnosed with high risk HPV I believe. Lately I've been experiencing itching but very mild, the itching doesn't occur often at all. I haven't experienced no type of burning or itching around the anus. I had intercourse a day after my period (with protection 12/25/2014). After sex I experienced a thumping feeling around my vagina area. I'm guessing that occurd because I was a little dry during sex or because my partner was a little to rough or too big. So after that night (12/26/2014) I was fine. Jan.28, 2015 I recieved my period (I usually get my periods on the 28-29 of each month. The month of December I got it on the 18th. So in January this year my period was sort of weird, the first could of days the blood was lite but dark. Then begin to get a LITTLE a heavier, around that time I was experiencing dark blood. It eventually got heavier (not too much). I would say my period lasted for 4-5 days. So February 2nd - February 9th Ive experienced spotting. Lastnight (feb 8th) I thought I was done spotting until I woke up this morning to use the restroom and noticed light blood..

February 9, 2015 - 6:53am
EmpowHER Guest

Did you end up starting because I am in like the same exact situation, and I'm still waiting for my period....It's freaking me out. I took the pill January 4th (right after my period ended) and had the same type of bleeding five days later...still no period for January though.

January 31, 2015 - 7:24pm
EmpowHER Guest

I took next choice started bleedin two days after now it's equal to 20 days an still my period is late 3 days I don't know if this is part of my period please help me

January 15, 2015 - 8:29am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Bleeding after taking Next Choice means the pill was effective in preventing pregnancy. One side effect is change in your menstrual cycle that present as the next period starting earlier or later than normal. Usually this is not by more than five days. Relax. Your period should start soon.


January 15, 2015 - 10:57am

i had sex monday at 3am took the pill "next choice" wednesday at 11am(within the 72 hours) right now im haVing breast tenderness and a little ache n my stomach but not much) i was wondering when will i have my period and is the pill effective.
* i learned from my mistake and im deeply sorry for the foolishness i have done. for any other females who are having sex please get on birth control or supply yourself with condoms, you dont want to have to go through this everytime, its not worth it.*
and for the one's who have sex then take the pill, have sex within 2 days then take the pill, you are destroying your body, it said on the booklet that its not the right thing to do, and you should use the pill whenever there is an emergency. you taking an advantage over this situation and its messing up your system and your period. this is the last time for me, soon as i get my period im through with vaginal sex

August 18, 2012 - 3:20pm
EmpowHER Guest

So I had my period from July 12th to the 19th and lost my virginity on the 21. He was inside of me for only a minute or so until I decided that I didn't want that. He didn't ejaculate in me, or ejaculate beforehand to where there would be any significant amount of sperm in precum. I had to leave early that next morning to go work at a camp and got Next Choice just under the 120 hour window bc I was scared. Now I'm regretting taking it bc 6 days after taking it (yesterday) I started bleeding. I'm supposed to start my period a week from today, so I don't know if this is breakthrough bleeding or my real period just early. I have read that Next Choice can make your period come early. So I'm just scared and don't know what to think. Help?

August 2, 2012 - 10:40am
EmpowHER Guest

i had sex the last day of my period, the condom broke and he ejaculated. i took next choice literally 15 mins after. 5 days after i had bleeding for like 3 days. i know thats a side effect. but its been seriously a month and a week since my last period. ive taken 4 pregnancy tests all have came back negative. but my period its late a week? and i dont feel crampy at all. so should i be worried?

July 14, 2012 - 1:05am

So I had sex with my boyfriend on June 5th. We used the pull out method but just in case I took next choice 18 hours later. I followed up with the second pill after 12 hours exactly. 5 days later I started bleeding and it lasted for about 3 days. I treated it like a period because it was similar. On July 5th (exactly a month after) I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. The following day I went to see my doctor and she also gave me a urine pregnancy test and that was negative as well. I did throw up yesterday but that could be from stress. I don't know if my period is late or now since I'm not exactly sure if the bleeding I had was a period. Please help me. It has now been 27 days since the spotting/bleeding thing.

July 8, 2012 - 1:22pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello, I seem to be experiencing the same situation.
I had my last period on the 25th of June and it ended (spotting and all) around the 30th.
I had unprotected sex on the 1st and I took Next Choice on July 2nd right after another round of unprotected sex (yes, I'm very ashamed of myself!).
Everything was good (except for me having a good amount of creamy vaginal discharge) up until an hour ago (six days after taking the pill), I went to pee and when I wiped I noticed blood!
I know that implantation bleeding is supposed to be pinkish brownish or a couple of drops of blood but I'm still freaking out.
I had an abortion last year (my biggest failure) and I'm so terrified.
I don't want to have another one but I also don't want to be pregnant.
I feel so stupid and selfish.
Worst of all my parents knew.
I got off of birth control because it was making me very sick and it was awful and my boyfriend and I have crazy urges! so I can't be abstinent :T
I was hyperventilating for a good hour but now that I've calmed down I'm noticing how achy my uterus and hip area feel.
basically, I just want to know if I have a high chance of being pregnant according to my last period. And I read that the pill might make my period a week early but if this is my period then it would be two weeks early...
PLEASE help.

July 7, 2012 - 3:05am
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