I am wondering if anyone has been afflicted with acne as an adult?
I skated through my teen years with a few bouts of acne here or there but nothing dreadful. I was about 19 or 20 when I really got acne!
I am on prescription medication that I use every morning and every evening. It is called Cleocin and I use the topical liquid version (I believe it comes in a gel too).
It has worked wonders. My skin looks great but if I run out/have to wait for a prescription for any reason, I start to get acne very quickly - within a few days.
I still get the odd bit of acne now and again, but without the medication I'm afraid I'd look like a dalmation! I drink plenty of water and my diet is pretty good (I indulge occasionally) so I guess this is a medication I will be on for life.
Does anyone else have adult onset acne? If so, how do you deal with it? Medication? Alternative methods? I'd love to hear!
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Add a Comment8 Comments
Aloe Vera has been very helpful. It's oil free and has more vitamins, minerals and enzymes and natural healing properties than you can imagine. Most people think of it as soothing for burns, cuts and abrasions. Just B Skin Care's Aloe Rescue Gelee has been long praised for results in treating oily skin.
January 5, 2011 - 8:56amThis Comment
My mum suffers from really bad adult acne and redness, i think its called something like roseacia. She went to a dermatologist and he gave her a certain type or cream, Aqueous Cream BP and she got given Metrosa 0.75% Gel, which is pure Metronidazole. It works so well for her and really booosts her confidence. Maybe ask your doctor ?
January 26, 2010 - 1:48pmThis Comment
Hey Susan! I'm glad you posted this. You are not alone. I have had the exact same problem. For me acne didn't hit until I was in college. I am 21 now and have struggled with facial acne for about three years! I have tried every topical medication in the book and have turned to prescription pills as well. Some have alleviated it but nothing so far has eliminated acne and scars I too wonder the same question, if I will continuously have to be on medication.
For me, I've noticed a pattern. Stress and mental health is a huge factor with break outs. Now, I am concentrating and on maintaining a low level of stress and a positive self image and seeing if my acne will alleviate naturally. It's worth a shot, right!
January 19, 2010 - 8:20amThis Comment
Lauren, Yes birth control pills is one of the scripts that Dermotologist will suggest. But my daughter had temporary success with blue light treatments. It can be expensive in the office, but you can purchase blue lights for home use. Anyone had success with blue lights at home?
March 1, 2010 - 7:02pmThis Comment
FYI - a study on the risks of Retin-A to pregnant women
Always ask your doctor any questions you may have about this subject.
January 28, 2009 - 8:03pmThis Comment
January 28, 2009 - 7:10pmJust remember that Retin-A is a extremly dangerous medication if you are planning to get pregnant.. so just be careful and use contraceptives if you are going to use the cream.
This Comment
yes. you can also buy it in farmacias in mexico if you ever travel in that direction. another warning i forgot was thaqt it makes you extremely sensitive to the sun, so you'll want to pick up snscreen. And I did notice my wrinkles were better.
February 26, 2008 - 10:20amThis Comment
Have your tried retin-A? Bought a tube in Canada for about $20 and it lasted a year or more. Had some dry skin at first and it seemd to bleach my skin but after a few months, it seemed to help.,
February 18, 2008 - 9:59amThis Comment