When it comes to any digestive disorder, whether it is Colitis, Crohn’s, IBS or a combination of the three – often we don’t notice the warning signs.
Often our stomachs “act up” when we are tired, hormonal, stressed or any combination of the three. However, many serious disorders like Colitis go undiagnosed because we shrug it off as a symptom of mental anguish, emotional pain and monthly cycles. When does a problem with our digestion and poop turn into something that should be addressed by a doctor? When do we know an issue will pass and when it may not? Follow these tips. If you are suffering from more than two of these symptoms for a prolonged period of time – it may be time to have a doctor look into it.
1. Your bathroom breaks are long and disrupt normal life
If you find yourself taking a bowel movement multiple times a day or your trip to the toilet are turning into more of a novel reading time than a magazine break – your poop may be trying to tell you something. A normal healthy person should poop about once per day. Twice is OK. More than that for a short period of time could be something you ate. If you are running to the bathroom multiple times a day for an extended period of time – see a doctor.
2. You are finding there are more foods on the list you cannot enjoy
Everyone has that one restaurant they must avoid. For some, Mexican food can wreck havoc on your stomach. For myself, I must stay away from Indian food. However, if your list of “no foods” is turning out to be longer than your list of foods you can enjoy – it may be a sign of a bigger issue. I waited until the only thing I could eat was steamed chicken before I saw a doctor. Don’t let it get that far.
3. Your poop is hard as rocks or runny as water on a regular basis
Your poop should come out soft but not runny, hard enough to form the S shape of your colon. Don’t pretend you don’t look – we all do! If you are giving the porcelain Gods pebbles or fountains and it lasts, again, for an extended period of time it can be indicative of a larger issue. Normal variations of poop consistency occur for many reasons. Often a bad batch of beef, really bad PMS, stress and not enough water can change your poop. However, if you are not PMS-ing, drink water and eat right and yet still have the runs – follow your gut and address it with an expert.
4. You have constipation or bloat that lasts longer than your menstrual cycle
I have three different sizes of jeans. On the worst days, right before my cycle I have to wear my PMS jeans. My stomach pops out; I am gassy and feel as though I cannot even suck it in. However, when I began to notice my stomach was looking pregnant for three weeks at a time, and I would often go three – seven days without going to the bathroom, I knew something was wrong.
5. Your gas issues are scaring away the neighbors
Everyone farts and burps every day, all day. Fun! But if it is excessive, and again follow your gut here, you could be having issues digesting certain foods.
These issues are normally a sign of every day life changes. PMS causes it, stress causes it and even being upset over Grey’s Anatomy can cause it. However, these every day issues can be a sign of something more if they last for an extended period of time or deeply affect your every day life. If you are concerned, don’t be afraid to address it with a doctor.
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While written with humor, bowel issues certainly aren't a laughing matter. I suffer from chronic colitis and have to be checked annually for polyps, as my grandfather had colon cancer and I'm predisposed.
We're often reminded to maintain a diet high in fiber, but not always reminded that proper hydration contributes to good colon health.
Thanks for your share on a sensitive, but very important subject!
April 8, 2009 - 4:59pmThis Comment