Just because I was diagnosed with Bursitis at 16, doesn’t mean I let it control my life. The same should go for anyone who has been diagnosed. Whether you are a world class athlete or a meticulous yard work enforcer, Bursitis will affect you the same, and without proper attention, can keep you on the sidelines from your favorite extra-curricular activity or even your livelihood that you support your family with. Although a small medical complication is the grand scheme of medical complications, a case of Bursitis is still just as important to nip in the butt as soon as possible.

Most assume having Bursitis is like being disabled. Just as I was diagnosed with Bursitis at an early age, most people are diagnosed a little later in life. Commonly known as the “housemaid’s knee,” most women get Bursitis through over usage of a certain joint. Whether it be your knee from constantly down on it cleaning, to your shoulder from helping with the yard work (you must have a big yard to control!), many women are prone to this disorder in their shoulder, elbow, knee, hip and ankle from performing routine tasks that eventually lead your Bursus to flair up.

With a little R&R combined with appropriate exercise and stretching, icing and heating, you could easily find yourself back to grind in no time flat. Check out my list of simple Bursitis rules.

1. Do not over-activate a particular part of your body. Try to find a solution to cleaning the floor without getting on your hands and knees. A small investment in a swiffer might not be your wallet saver, but it can certainly be a pain saver, which is equally as important in my check book.
2. Find stretches that hit the problem area. Finding shoulder stretches that reach my Bursitis has made a huge impact on the flexibility and mobility of my shoulder. This is turn has given me less limitations in movement and stamina to pitch.
3. Never jump into a new activity. A slow progression will ease your muscles, tendons and bones into the new movements, giving them a chance to adapt without injury or over impact.
4. Physical Therapy is actually my number one suggestion. After resting my shoulder for a few weeks, I began Physical Therapy to learn strength training techniques to build the muscle around my Bursitis. I still find it helpful 10 years later, going to the gym and doing the same exercises a professional taught me. I get less pain after a pitching session, and I feel stronger than ever.

If your case of Bursitis becomes chronic you may require a more aggressive form of treatment, and you should consult your doctor. If unattended to, Bursitis can lead to Rheumatoid Arthritis and other medical complications. I feel like I sound like a broken record, but pretty please with a cherry on top, consult a doctor immediately if you are having relatable symptoms to Bursitis. Human bodies are only made to withstand so much, so keep in mind, if something is sore or feels off, it probably is.